Recent content by Amigatec

  1. Amigatec

    Working On The Floor

    I had something getting in and killing my chickens, so I added some 2X4's to the floor and hardware cloth. I used 2 pieces of 1/4" and 1 piece of 1/2". Fastened it to the 2X4" and covered it with Pine Shavings.
  2. Amigatec

    Problems With Nests

    The birds wanted to roost in the nesting boxes so I added a slanted board to the top. It didn't work. They just crawled under it to get back to the nests. So I fixed it. I made a new Nest for them. (Good thing I bought 6 of these baskets.) Put boards around them so the chickens...
  3. Running The Electricity

    Running The Electricity

    I used my mini-tiller to dig the trench. (Here I was using it to dig a trench from the house to the garden so i could run conduit to control the water I use. But that's another project.) Started at the corner of the shed... Down to the fence and another trench along the fence...
  4. Covering The Walls

    Covering The Walls

    I have the walls covered now. Added a center stub the back wall. Started framing the roof in. I payed for 8' 2X4'S but was sold precut stud. Now I have to cut one rafter. Have part of the roof framed in.
  5. Amigatecs Page

    Amigatecs Page

    Well I live in a small town in East Central Oklahoma, and my little town has an ordnance against raising chickens in town. I talked with the Code Enforcer here in town and was told as long as no one complained he would look the other way. So I am going to start building the coop, and I hope to...
  6. Amigatec

    How long is it after a roo breeds a hen for her to not be fertile?

    As soon as my hens make that "I just layed an egg" song, my Roo runs down there and wants to make sure that next egg is fertile.
  7. Amigatec

    Tom or Hen??

    These were marked as just Bronze. So I am unsure.
  8. Amigatec

    Tom or Hen??

    Anybody help me here??
  9. Amigatec

    Tom or Hen??

    I have 2 Turkeys that are about 9 weeks old, do I have a Tom and Hen, 2 Toms, or 2 Hens?? I think this is a Tom. Here he is again. I think this is a Hen. Here she is again.
  10. Amigatec

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Quote: How exciting! Personally I hope all mine hatch while I am asleep so I won't worry over them so much! I'm up to 5 now still have one to go.
  11. Amigatec

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I woke up this morning to 4 little Fuzzbutts!!! I still 2 eggs to go.
  12. Amigatec

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I started 12 RIR eggs on the 11th I removed 6 of those on the 29th, and I have at least 3 Pips right now.
  13. Amigatec

    Chicks from TSC

    I'll bet this a local store policy, the manager wants to get rid of them so he doesn't take a loss on them.
  14. Amigatec

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I'm in as well I have an LG with fan and turner, I set 12 RIR eggs on the evening of the 11th. I didn't candle until day 12, so far I think I have 10 that are good. Hatch day is April 1st.
  15. Amigatec

    Candling photos and stages of development- info compilation (pics!)

    I have 12 eggs in the Bator and I am on Day 12, I have 1 that is mostly clear, but I can see a dark spot toward the top, it covers about 1/4th of the top. The rest are almost completely dark. Is this a dead chick??
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