Recent content by Amanda16

  1. Amanda16

    Belgian D'Uccle Color Genetics

    Hi all!! I was wondering if anyone had a color genetics chart for D'uccles. What color pairings are safe to breed together, and which ones would get all muddled if paired together. I'm used to Labrador Retrievers, where they either carry the genetics to produce a color, or they don't. I'm...
  2. Amanda16

    2018 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    my second entry, Sweetie Pie in the rain yesterday
  3. Amanda16

    strange hairy growth on turkey chest

    Is this one? I found it on one of my white hollands this morning, its 15 weeks old, no others seem to have one, so i wanted to make sure it wasn't a parasite or something harmfull
  4. Amanda16

    Comment by 'Amanda16' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    would this be the same for turkeys, or is there a different method?
  5. Amanda16

    2018 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    gorgeous bird, love him
  6. Amanda16

    2018 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Hamlet (EE hen) chilling in the sunset. I'll post another later.
  7. Amanda16

    Eleanor's Dog Show

    Name:Ruby Age: 6 Breed: Labrador Retriever Not a mean bone in her body, she was five when she first met the chicks and watched them grow up, she throws a fit at the door to get our attention when there is something off with the chickens.
  8. Amanda16

    What do you have in your flock?

    We have: (our adult flock) 3 Rhode Island Reds 3 Black Sex Links 5 Easter Eggers 3 Ameraucanas (chicks) 8 White Leghorns 9 Araucanas (probably EE) 2 Mille Fluer D'Uccle bantams 1 EE (Ameraucana/ Black Sex Link)
  9. Amanda16

    I was actually thinking, i don't think I've shown you little sweetie pie yet, she's our newest...

    I was actually thinking, i don't think I've shown you little sweetie pie yet, she's our newest little EE
  10. Amanda16

    hey! what's up?

    hey! what's up?
  11. Amanda16

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    In the end, these are the two that I'm going with, I got my family and friends to help me pick which two of the many pictures I took and these were the ones that they wanted. I told my nephew and he wanted to put the chicks in his toy car I managed to get one of my little bantams to fall...
  12. Amanda16

    Post pics of your favorite chickens!

    Thank you!! I love sharing my birds! =^-^=
  13. Amanda16

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    ok, my niece and i have been trying to figure out which of the chicks she has is boy or girl, and was wondering if you guys could help. There's 2 broilers, 4 bantams, 2 Rhode island reds, 2 new Hampshire reds and 1 ameraucana. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ameraucana
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