Recent content by allieloveschickens

  1. allieloveschickens

    Color of Egg Yolks.

    Free ranging your chickens will definitely result in darker yolks, but I believe if you give them enough leafy greens, weeds, and kitchen scraps you will also get darker yolks since they will be eating similar foods that they would get if they were free ranging. I don't know how much of a roll...
  2. allieloveschickens

    help please :-(

    Is there any way that you can put a mesh/wire divider between them in their space so that the older birds could see the younger ones, but not reach them or get to them until the little chicks are big enough to join the rest? Then they would not be completely new to the older birds, and would...
  3. allieloveschickens

    Lonely hen

    aw, poor girl, I hope she continues to do well with the new chicks- who knows, maybe she has a good maternal instinct!
  4. allieloveschickens

    putting two baby flocks together

    That is a bit of a significant size difference, is there anyway that you could put a mesh divider in the brooder so the two groups could see each other for a week or so before you combine them? It would be good for them to get used to each other in a safe area before they are thrown together...
  5. allieloveschickens

    Dog attacked chicken!!

    sorry for your loss :( my dog killed one of my chickens "playing" with her while I was out of town last year, with some training and discipline he now ignores the girls, but it was very hard to go through. I hope that the rest of your chickies stay safe!
  6. allieloveschickens

    Pictures of my injured girl. Please help.

    I would definitely put her in a box or crate for a couple days, I also don't know why Tractor Supply would not recommend Blu Kote, it is supposed to work well to discourage pecking as it covers the injured area. Hope she recovers quickly!
  7. allieloveschickens

    Fun Snow Pictures From Washington

    What lovely girls! They look like they don't mind the snow too much :)
  8. allieloveschickens

    "How do you feel about this situation?"

    They are so cute!! Do they live in the house?
  9. allieloveschickens

    What Picture Is Best?

    I vote photo #5, I love that skinny neck coming from that big round body!
  10. allieloveschickens

    Neighbor dogs, what do I do?

    If you are not willing to shoot the dogs then you should invest in a good fence to keep them out, electric if possible. Also I would make sure to tell the sheriff that these dogs were aggressive towards you as well as your live stock- a pack of that size can do serious damage! You should...
  11. allieloveschickens

    Inconstant laying

    At 2 yrs old many hens start slowing down their egg production, I would not be concerned as long as she is behaving normally. She is just getting ready for retirement! Better get her a bikini ;)
  12. allieloveschickens

    Green Roofed Chicken Pen

    I love it! Hopefully when I build a new coop I will be able to make a green roof :)
  13. allieloveschickens

    Allieloveschickenss Page

    I live in San Diego, but originally I am from Northern California- up in the redwoods. I love animals, and decided to try raising chickens! We built a coop designed based on some of the great coops here on BYC. It cost about $350-$400 all told, and the girls love it! I used SunTuf plastic...
  14. allieloveschickens

    Need Help-Caring for Neighbors Hens

    Wow I wish you could chicken sit for me! I bet you will see an improvement just with giving them the right feed, lack of protein would definitely cause them to pluck each other. The cabbage is also good, you could also throw scratch and black oil sunflower seeds out for them to snack on during...
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