Recent content by Alicrawf914

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    Chicken can't stand

    He seems to have been less sleepy and more alert the past couple days. He is eating and drinking more also, but he still is unable to move his toes on his right leg and wont put weight on it.
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    Chicken can't stand

    He will eat and drink some if I put it in front of him, probably not as much as he needs to, but he is at least still eating and drinking. Thank you for the help. We actually just made him a sling today to try.
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    Chicken can't stand

    He is around 7 or 8 months old. We were able to get rid of the lice and mites. We have been giving him Rooster Booster Poultry Cell for about 5 days now. We feed him an organic grower feed from a local mill.
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    Chicken can't stand

    My silkie Muffin had lice and mites. I am not sure how long he had them before I noticed. He was off balance and limping on his left leg. He is now not able to stand or walk. He can kick both legs and put weight on his left one. He won't push at all with his right one and doesn't move his toes...
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    Chickens have mites-Limping Chicken

    My chickens have mites and lice. I ordered Elector PSP, but it won't get here until Saturday. None of my local stores have it. I feel like a bad mom cuz Im not sure how long they had them before I notices. I have been giving them some egg for protein and iron. Any other suggestions? Also, my...
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    Chickens have mites!

    My chickens have mites. What have you guys had the best luck with for treatment? Do I gut the coop out first or do I treat the chickens first? Im somewhat new to chickens and this is my first mite problem.
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    Best thing for water over the winter

    What is the best thing to use for water over the winter? We currently have a plastic waterer and I dont want it to crack from freezing?
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    Silkie Roo shakes head, tilts head, and loses balance while shaking

    Yeah, he seems to be normal besides his head tilting/losing balance
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    Silkie Roo shakes head, tilts head, and loses balance while shaking

    It is possible he could have hit his head on something. What did you do for your hen?
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    Silkie Roo shakes head, tilts head, and loses balance while shaking

    My Silkie Roo is shaking his head and tilting it to one side a little bit this morning and if he shakes his body, he loses balance. What could be wrong? He seems and looks normal otherwise.
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    What should I feed?

    I have a mixed flock of chickens: 1 1 1/2 year old Easter Egger Hen, 2 7 month old Barnyard Mix Pullets, 2 7 month old Silkie Pullets, 3 7 month old Satin Pullets, and 2 7 month old Silkie Roos. What is the best diet to feed them? I have read that Silkie's need at least 20% protein and am...
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    Rooster can't stand or walk

    I don't think there is any way he got into anything toxic. He stays in his enclosed pen at all times. He gets fresh food and water daily and we don't use any kind of weed killer or fertilizer.
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    Rooster can't stand or walk

    Here is a link to the food:
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    Rooster can't stand or walk

    Here are a couple pictures of him right now. Sorry they aren't the best.
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