Recent content by Alexjjacob

  1. Alexjjacob

    Traveling with ducklings...would it be too stressful for them?

    Absolutely adorable dilemma! Traveling with ducklings can indeed be a quack-tastic adventure. While it's natural to worry about their well-being, with proper preparation and care, they can waddle through the journey like seasoned travelers. Ensuring a comfortable environment, ample food, and...
  2. Alexjjacob

    ALL you need to know about hamsters

    Thank you for sharing this helpful information about hamsters, Chicken poppy! It's crucial for new hamster owners to understand the needs and behaviors of these adorable pets. Your point about never keeping multiple hamsters together is especially important. Hamsters are solitary animals and can...
  3. Alexjjacob

    Wildflower Seed mix safe?

    Also, super curious if any of these might join the California super bloom party! Any advice appreciated!
  4. Alexjjacob

    Wildflower Seed mix safe?

    Hey green thumbs! Planning to create a wildflower haven for my feathered friends, and I stumbled upon this mix. Any thoughts on its safety for chickens and ducks?
  5. Alexjjacob

    Chickens + CBD + Eggs

    However, to be on the safe side, you might want to consult a local vet. If you're looking for more information about CBD and its various aspects, you might find some useful resources at
  6. Alexjjacob

    Chickens + CBD + Eggs

    To the best of my knowledge, the chances of CBD from a granola bar making its way into the eggs through chickens are extremely low. The digestive system of chickens is quite different from mammals, and they metabolize food differently.
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