Recent content by aldanfac

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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    Unfortunately he wasn’t improving at all it was killing me to watch him, we put him down and it was really hard but he started getting worse moving around and there was just no fair quality of life :( it’s crazy I should have gotten a necropsy but my dad buried him for me
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    Hatching guineas

    Oh man. That’s really disappointing:/ I got them from a local person who had guineas so I guess that’s not too unpredictable. How do you know tho just so I can learn
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    Hatching guineas

    Hi does anyone have any candeling pictures of their Guinea eggs from a hatch? I have 16 eggs I am hatching for my dad and would like to see some development in other eggs to compare to mine. It’s day 21 and all the keets are very tiny inside the egg compared to when I hatched chicks. I’m nervous...
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    Hi just coming back to ask another question, so for an update he’s basically in the same condition I’ve been working on getting him more cleaned up and he seems to be improving I now noticed tho his toes on the effected foot are all completely numb. His back toe is up with the others, but his...
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    Thank you so much for your help! I’m going to get him in a sling, he’s doing so much better now that he’s eating more and drinking more.. I never realized how much he wasn’t getting until now. I’m definitely still weary of mareks I’d be so sad:/
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    I am working on deworming but the medicine won’t be here until tomorrow.. this morning I thought he died as he buried his head and wouldn’t come out of the coop… I got him up and he’s back to his normal self but is barely walking at all now.. he’s fully separated from the rest of the flock now...
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    He is about a year now, he was hatched sometime end of April early May last year, thank you so much for your help, what do you think I could do to make him more comfortable right now? The poopy butt also give me a little worry that there is like parasites involved or something but again my other...
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    He never fully lies down so the other leg kinda is under him but he usually is using it to prop himself up somehow but he’s still down, the other leg will always be out infront on him almost, you can kind of see it in the picture above. He does use his wings to balance but it doesn’t seem like...
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    Help please! Rooster can’t walk well

    Hi so I have these 2 roosters they are amazing sweet boys, they have stayed together because they actually really are like best friends, the healthy one is the boss and established his role early on after they had a little dominance fight. It didn’t cause any injuries but the lower rank rooster...
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    Help me calm down!!!

    I ended up leaving him in there and it wasn’t too long until the other guys hatched! He was pretty lonely but once the eggs were really chirping and moving he was pretty excited. He was almost 3 days older than everyone!
  11. A

    Water belly??? Sos

    Shes 4, she’s super alert and moves wings legs and head, her toes react and will squeeze your finger if u lay it in her toes. She’s very alert besides the fact she can’t walk. She lays eggs but I’m not sure when the last was laid. She was vaccinated for mareks and we did get more birds a year...
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    Water belly??? Sos

    Hey I have a chicken who is not able to walk this came on suddenly she’s still active squawking and eating but cannot move, she can’t be stood up either. I felt around and there’s no egg or anything stuck her vent seems pretty normal too but her stomach is super squishy I can push it all around...
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    Help pt.2

    Awesome thank you so much, I figured it was best so he’s not stressed out
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    Help pt.2

    Thank you so much!
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    Help pt.2

    Hes fully dry and pushing 48 hour this evening… I want to get him out so bad I just feel terrible he’s all alone! What’s the better option leave him in until the 2nd guy is dry enough to move to brooder, or put him in brooder alone for a while…
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