Recent content by Ajoy1955

  1. Ajoy1955

    Adding electrolytes

    1/4 cup per gallon
  2. Ajoy1955

    Adding electrolytes

    My daughter lives in Southeast Texas, where the temps get up into the triple digits in the summer, she has researched and discovered that adding baking soda to chicken water helps regulate their body temp? Has anyone ever done this? And what else is imperative to help keep her flock cool? Thanks...
  3. Ajoy1955

    Swollen eye lid

    Thank you 😊
  4. Ajoy1955

    Swollen eye lid

    Does this look like a respiratory in her eye? She is 3 months old, living in south east Texas. Another flock member was treated for respiratory symptoms about two weeks ago…thanks for your response!
  5. Ajoy1955

    Updated picture of the Brahma Pullet

    Week 11 of a Brahma Pullet .. getting another confirmation with these updated pics
  6. Ajoy1955

    Updated pictures from 4-13-24

    Is this a pullet …approximately 10 weeks old Brahma
  7. Ajoy1955


    Here’s a couple more pictures from today
  8. Ajoy1955


    Here are some updates
  9. Ajoy1955


    I am hoping for my daughter’s sake that it is a pullet, she is so attached and visa versa .. if it ends being a Roo she will have to rehome 😩
  10. Ajoy1955


    Could you please elaborate? I’m not seeing much of a comb, and what I do see is pale
  11. Ajoy1955


    So glad to hear that! My daughter doesn’t want to rehome it if it’s a male.. they are already very attached to one another
  12. Ajoy1955


    Thank you my daughter is going to be thrilled with this answer, this little pullet absolutely loves my daughter and will run to her and jump in her lap! This way daughter’s first time to have chickens!
  13. Ajoy1955


    So you are seeing rounded hackle feathers ?
  14. Ajoy1955


    This is a 9 week old Brahma, my daughter thinks it’s a cockerel.. any ideas?
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