Recent content by AHDCST


    feeding sprouts, grass alternative?

    Well welcome to the flock! Hope you get your chickens soon and you keep coming back to this site. You can get some great info on here. I also give my chickens the grass clippings when the hubby mows. I actually don't have to "give" them to them cause when they hear the mower they stand at the...

    What breed is my Rooster?

    Whatever he is he is gorgeous. If he doesn't behave with the ladies he may be my lunch especially if he messes with poor Henrietta again. He may be Henrietta's lunch if he tries that mess with her again! By the way, I am very familiar with Tripp16's flock in case no one has figured that out from...

    THIS turned into THAT

    She is a PERFECT mom! Of course I am probably biased since my BB Red hen Ethel hatched little Gracie. She is such a perfect mom I have given her eggs to hatch for me twice. She is setting on 4 eggs now that should hatch any day.

    So disappointed, bought some banties from TSC

    I'm so sorry you had this happen. The toes can be taped and even the club foot can be taped and they have a good chance of a near normal life. The one with hind quarter issues is a different story. You would be better off going ahead and culling it. It will get bigger and heavier and unable to...

    Can I use Liquid Seven Dust? Help!!!

    Hey Peaches! Glad to have you join the flock. Sorry to hear you have mites and lice in your flock. Read the label on a bottle of Sevin dust and a bottle of Poultry dust. You will find they are much the same. I have used the powder on chickens and dogs for years and have never had a toxic...

    Unique shipping, how cute and what a great idea!

    I love the idea. I will have to remember to save the plastic eggs from the egg hunt this year!

    Fire Ants. *grrr!*

    Buy the long cooking plain grits, the microwaveable ones won't work. I was told to sprinkle grits all around the areas like around the outside of the run and the coop. This works for 2 reasons: 1. the ants don't like to cross a line and 2. when they eat the grits they swell in the ants stomach...

    Rooster just passed...

    It is hard when you have had him for so long and raised him yourself. RIP sweet boy RIP.

    sexing australorp chicks

    My sister-in-law thought the same thing. She went with my brother to have the cockerels processed. As soon as she heard the frantic squawking as they were shoved in the killing cone followed by deathly silence, she broke down and cried. She continued to cry the whole 2 hour ride home with the...
  10. AHDCST

    Had sick chicks dumped at my door, pics included, have some questions

    I am glad to hear the chicks are on the mend. I have never been able to understand how people can be so cruel as to neglect or harm or worse poor little defenseless creatures. Those chicks did nothing to deserve such a horrible welcome to the world! Okay I'm getting off my soapbox! I am so glad...
  11. AHDCST

    anyone know what breed this black chicken is

    Looks like a Black Australorp mixed with a Brahma(feathered feet)
  12. AHDCST

    Planned Parenthood not to blame; the truth post #25

    I hear the frustration in your words. The niece has much more to worry about then just preventing pregnancy. She must get inpatient, long-term care to get off the heroine or whatever drug(s) she is on. It is scary to think about a baby coming into the mix but unfortunately at age of 20 no one in...
  13. AHDCST

    stretching wings and legs

    First of all, welcome to the flock! Now, chicks and even full grown birds will stretch when they get up from setting in one place for too long or after roosting on a bar. You will notice every single little thing your chicks do especially when you first get them. Don't be afraid to ask a...
  14. AHDCST

    sexing australorp chicks

    I am sorry to hear you are planning on eating the extra roos. There are plenty of backyard flocks that need a rooster for protection and to keep order. I hope you give it a lot of thought when you find out the sex of your hens. So,enough,I'll get off my soapbox now! Welcome to the flock and the...
  15. AHDCST

    Why wont they let me hold them?

    You know the Queen Gracie thinks she is a human because you treated her like one from day 1! She has you wrapped so tight around her little wing it is hilarious! I know you love that little girl as much as I do or you wouldn't have gotten a chance to raise her! Maybe I should explain. My BB Red...
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