Recent content by achiekitty

  1. achiekitty

    Potting soil to play in?

    And if you have a white chicken, she won’t be for long, as soon as she takes her bath in the potting soil. She’ll still look cute, but she’ll be off-white, beige, light brown in different places. 🤣
  2. achiekitty

    What's your flock's favourite food/treat?

    black sunflower oil seeds. our 10 yr old would jump on the roost in the run and “demand” she gets fed by hand while the others impatiently wait around.
  3. achiekitty

    All of the sudden, zero eggs in a pen of 5 hens.

    Roadkill!! Our Goldie, used to look like a miniature T-Rex in the fall, when she was younger. I love to see people’s reactions, when i tell them I have chickens. I lived in San Francisco for many years, where they have chicken “ninjas”. You hear about them, but never see them. They only tell...
  4. achiekitty

    Best feed

    They seem to intuitively know to eat it. We have 3 hens and only one is laying. She’s the only one serving herself the oyster shells, and it’s on the way up and down the coop door Into the run.
  5. achiekitty

    Ended It’s GIVEAWAY time for your chance to win a spread of Manna Pro’s Farmhouse Favorites Poultry Treats | Available NOW at Walmart!

    Definitely our Pearly Shell. Although the other girls, Maggie May and Goldie will get some, too. Pearl has been sick since the end of May, and her recovery is taking a long time. She was attacked by a cat last May. At some point she was walking one-sided like she had a stroke. Later,one of her...
  6. achiekitty

    Chicken cheek bump. Abscess? Bee sting? Other infection?

    How is your chicken doing? Did she get better? My chicken seems to have the same condition. I’ve been giving her baby Benadryl as some TwoCrows suggested. It’s the 3rd day. Her eyes are still barely open. I’m not sure if she’s getting better.
  7. achiekitty

    Went to buy feed and came out with chicks. Darn chicken math.

    That is why I tell everyone how many I have - 3, and that the city only allows 3. Helps me to not get out of control. Of course chicken sitting is not part of chicken math. My friend down the street is off to a wedding up north. So I currently have an extra flock of 2 until Sunday. I’m trying...
  8. achiekitty

    What are your chicken goals

    Moving forward; It’s okay if we don’t go on long vacations. Our neighbors down the street can check on them for a few days. We have everything we need here; and 3 chickens are enough for us.They give us enough entertainment. I love it when they sit at my husband’s feet while he naps; and they...
  9. achiekitty

    Make me feel better about penning my former free-rangers :(

    Where we live, we can get free wood chips from tree companies. They would dump a load in our driveway and we would slowly move them all over the property, including the chicken run. It also helps with avoiding the run getting muddy with all our California rains. I’ve also received them from...
  10. achiekitty

    Comment by 'achiekitty' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    Did I say 3, no, 4 years later, obviously Goldie’s not the only one getting old. 👵🏼
  11. achiekitty

    Comment by 'achiekitty' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    THREE years later and, Goldie is now 10 and still laying. I think she stopped for a couple of years. Last year she laid for one whole month in the spring and stopped. This year, so far she’s been laying her light green eggs, since Feb. 6. The first 3 weeks, some had no shell, which they ate very...
  12. achiekitty

    Make me feel better about penning my former free-rangers :(

    You are doing the right thing. It is for their own good and your own peace of mine, and you’re being a good neighbor. You are not ruining their lives. As for more bugs in the run, how about dumping your kitchen scraps and garden clippings, wood chips in a section of the run. Essentially...
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