Recent content by abellchicken

  1. abellchicken

    Weevils and 2 day old chicks

    Will weevils in my chick feed hurt 2 day old babies?
  2. abellchicken

    Chipmunk Marans???

    Thanks, Now if I could just figure out which one of my girls have the recessive gene I could breed them and get so they throw just whites. They come from very dark eggs.
  3. abellchicken

    Chipmunk Marans???

    Here is my White sport form my Black Copper Maran's.
  4. abellchicken

    I know silkies are very hard to check gender.

    Thanks. It is so much smaller than all of my other birds. I am just not sure what to do with it. As you can see I put it in with chicks because when I tried to put it in with the birds it's age, all the other harassed it something awful. I figure if this group grows up with it atleast it...
  5. abellchicken

    I know silkies are very hard to check gender.

    I know silkies are very hard to check gender, but I got this one as a bonus and would like to know what I have. It only has 4 toes, but it cute. It is 10 weeks old have not heard a peep or a crow.
  6. abellchicken

    December 2022 hatch-a-long

    Yes it is that pink. There is also one that is gray. One of my Blue Laced red wyandottes lay it. I have a the following for Roosters, Lavender Maran, French Copper Maran, Beilifielder, BLR wyandotte, Oliver egger, Cream Crested legbar and a polish. Should come up with some gorgeous chicks...
  7. abellchicken

    December 2022 hatch-a-long

    I put 42 eggs into lock down last night. All barnyard specials. Some beautiful green eggs with lots of speckles. Can not wait to see the colors this bunch lays.
  8. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

    I don't think anything is stealing the eggs we are in and out of there several times a day. A couple of the older girls are mottling but not all the younger should be laying hens.
  9. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

    They also free range all day. Plus kitchen scraps and scratch.
  10. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

  11. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

    No, We did have a fox come though in early June and kill a bunch of older birds (16). We took care of it and nothing has happened since. All the young ones were not even old enough back then to lay and they were not free ranging at the time. ??
  12. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

    OK so I have 13 older hens 2 and 1/2 plus, then I have 13 hens how are 8 months old and 11 that are 7 months old and 19 that are 17 weeks old. I am only getting 6 to 8 eggs a day. what is going on? I have had chickens for years and never had a problem like this. It seems like most of the...
  13. abellchicken

    Bielefelder pullets

    Bielefelder are hard to come by. They are a great duel purpose bird. Lots of eggs and lots of meat and pretty economical if kept on pasture. I love them. I would not sell mine for less than $40 a bird here in NC. You are talking about a hen that butchers out at about average 7lbs and...
  14. abellchicken

    Male or female

    Thanks I just wanted a second opinion before I sold him as a him.
  15. abellchicken

    Male or female

    I got this as a pullet from the feed store, but I am pretty sure he is a roo. I have someone who wants to buy him if he is a him. So I need a little confirmation other than just me. 10 weeks old. Thanks
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