Recent content by 9876

  1. 9876

    Now their hatched, what next?

    My chicks are 6 weeks old but outside temps are still cool.. low 40’sF at night . I have no heat source in the barn coop for them .
  2. 9876

    Help.. can I put my chicks at 6 weeks old outside with no heat source if temps are in 40’s at...

    Help.. can I put my chicks at 6 weeks old outside with no heat source if temps are in 40’s at night??
  3. 9876

    Flock/Life Journey's 2019

    Could be amberlinks? Mine look the same. At TSC they had amberlinks only as they ate a dying out breed so I got them and they looked the just like that at that age. If they grow very big within 3 weeks as mine have you’ll know . Or google it.
  4. 9876


    Hi! Thanks! Happy to be part of the chicken forum!
  5. 9876

    How do I treat chicken lice?

    Also clean the coop boxes well with apple cider vinegar and water mixture. Works well and smells great.
  6. 9876

    How do I treat chicken lice?

    I use DE
  7. 9876

    How much for eggs?

    I charge 2.50 a dozen for medium-large eggs.. brown and white. Same for my Easter eggers. If I get small eggs I sell at 1.50 a dozen. My bantam eggs I sell for 1.00 a dozen and duck eggs in my area are 12.50 a dozen. I am in New York
  8. 9876

    Flock/Life Journey's 2019

    Beautiful birds!
  9. 9876

    Flock/Life Journey's 2019

    Your birds are beautiful!
  10. 9876

    What breed are these guys

    They both look like girls. Not sure if the breed but so pretty!
  11. 9876

    Flock/Life Journey's 2019

    Hi I am Susan from New York. I have been keeping chickens for 6 years now. I just added 3 amberlink hens, 3 bantam roosters , 1bantam hen, and 3 Easter egger hens and 4 straight run assorted breeds which I might never know what they are ... oh and 2 red sex link hens.
  12. 9876


    I have just chickens. I would love ducks but I was told they need a constant water supply such as a pool in the coop and a pond. I won’t put a baby pool full of water in my coop but I will in their foraging areas. And I have no pond.
  13. 9876


    Thank you I did.
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