Recent content by 7heaven

  1. 7heaven

    Prolapsed vent?

    Thanks for the advice. She was fine all of yesterday and seems fine today as well. Is it safe to put her back in her main coop or should I keep her separated for a little longer?
  2. 7heaven

    Fighting with oposums

    I've heard of possums going for larger chickens, especially the big ones. It wouldn't surprise me at all, given that they are opportunists and will definitely kill and eat something larger that they have the chance to. Trapping (and killing) raccoons did nothing for me -- new ones just showed up...
  3. 7heaven

    Prolapsed vent?

    Just checked on her again and it looks like her vent has once again retracted, but it's still a little swollen although I guess that's probably normal. Will keep an eye on her and keep this thread updated. If anyone cares, I separated her from the rest of the flock, gave her water (keeping her...
  4. 7heaven

    American serama thread!

    Loving the photos and discussions in this thread!
  5. 7heaven

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    Love this thread! Looking forward to more updates.
  6. 7heaven

    Does this little guy look like a rooster?

    Looks like a rooster to me as well, but it can still be a little hard to tell at this age.
  7. 7heaven

    Prolapsed vent?

    Hey all, I have a chicken who's vent is not looking good. Her vent was very messy and part of it looked like it was hanging out. I gave her a bath in warm water for about 30 minutes and cleaned the area. It seemed to have retracted and she was able to poop. I just checked on her again, though...
  8. 7heaven

    Wheezy Chicken

    Hey All, I have a Salmon Faverolle rooster who I noticed doesn't seem to be doing that well today. He sounds stuffed up when he inhales and every time he exhales he makes a sound. It's kind of hard to describe, but it sounds similar to a typical cluck but it's every single time he exhales...
  9. 7heaven

    Sick Araucana

    Kind of strange... I was coming on to post about a very similar condition on one of our New Hampshires. In addition to what you mentioned, we noticed swelling around the eyes, on one side it sealed the eye shut completely for a while. When we first found her she was fallen over on her side --...
  10. 7heaven

    Breed Standards

    Thank you! I'm sure we'll get that. :)
  11. 7heaven

    Breed Standards

    We're hoping to start breeding and showing chicken soon, and we were wondering if there is a good place to find out the breed standards of chickens? We've looked, and looked, but can't find anything. Thanks in advance! (p.s. if this is in the wrong forum, sorry. :))
  12. 7heaven

    Review by '' on item 'Sicilian Buttercup'

    We have 1 Sicilian Buttercup hen, who is very nice to us. She allows us to handle/pet her. She's on top of the pecking order; so not super friendly to other chickens.
  13. 7heaven

    Review by '' on item 'Rhode Island Red'

    I've had 3 Rhode Island Reds, and the 2 I have right now are very curious, and will walk right up to you. I had another one, that would pick on all the other chickens, and would do anything to get away from you. All of them have laid lots of eggs though. If you want a good egg layer, Rhode...
  14. 7heaven

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    I just read this thread, start to finish yesterday and today. Great thread, and look forward to an update!
  15. 7heaven

    This is probably a silly question. . .

    Okay, thanks for the info. If we get them, we would probably keep them for eggs and meat.
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