Recent content by 4 Love of Baby Chickens

  1. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Chicks due on 4 - 17 - 13!

    The reason why they are due on that day is because I am setting 8 eggs tomorrow night under one of my black sexlink hens, Feather. Gonna be setting 6 RIR eggs and 2 Silkie eggs under her. I am excitd to have some pretty litte Silkie and Rhode Island Red chicks running around here soon with...
  2. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Coop for Silkies

    This is my white non bearded Silkie hen, Snowball. The black one was my hen, Ms B. (RIP my pretty girl) This is my Buff Silkie rooster, Sunny. And my favorite white Silkie, Princess. I paid $20 for this little gal. She was 4 1/2 months old in this picture. She has the full silkie fluff now...
  3. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Coop for Silkies

    @ Mama Hen Chris - Can I have your Buff pullet? I have 3 silkies of my own. They each have their own pen, about 3' by 3' each. My little Princess has a 5' by 2.5' pen to herself (for now).
  4. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    I just show my chickens in the local fair every summer. They do win prizes, but I do wonder what Princess would do in a REAL show. Isn't she lovely? She has filled out to the full Silkie fluff since this picture. You cannot see her face except for the tip of her beak. She is 8 months old now...
  5. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    Sooooo, I guess it is not a good idea to pair those two together?
  6. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    I really want to know. Please someone post!
  7. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    What will a Bearded Buff Silkie rooster give......... When crossed with a white Non Beared Silkie hen? I am not sure if I want more than 3 roosters. I am going to get a good white silkie rooster for Princess sometime in the next 6 weeks. Gotta wait for my finacial aid to come first! If it...
  8. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Ok, we free range our chickens and have a large coop...

    Your chickens, as they get older, will venture further out from their coop. Especially when they see all the delicious treats in the spring! Bugs and such. I do too! I love watching chickens free range.
  9. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    It was just a chicken.

    Stupid dog owner! My chickens are my livestock, but I have one favorite, a silkie pullet whom I say is my pet. Right beside my Great Pyr, cat, and Betta fish . I may not consider my other 18 chickens pets, but I take the best care of them. Fresh water, plenty of feed, and the roam of my 3...
  10. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    I'm gettig mites from my hens, YUCK.

    I take a pumpkin (or in my case, 3 or more), drop them on the ground, say, "Whoopsie", and watch them go to town. They eat all the seeds they want, and eat the pumpkin down to the rind. Sometimes, they ever EAT the rind!
  11. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    I'm gettig mites from my hens, YUCK.

    @ cluckcluckluke - The reputation does not let type all what I wanted to type. I throw all the ash into their shavings so they can dustbathe in it. When I dusted them, I held them by the feet and their wings. Then dipped them in the ash can, getting ash under their wings and on their vents. I...
  12. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    I'm gettig mites from my hens, YUCK.

    If you can, try burning some wood. Then after the ash is cool, dust your chickens. Make sure that it does not get in their eyes. I dusted my chickens 4 times with ash, starting right after I discovered mites or lice (don't know which) on my flock. Now they are starting to lay like a storm. I...
  13. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    *laughs* This thread is AWESOME!!! I finally finished reading it, after working on 10 to 25 pages a day. So around 2 weeks of reading. I have got a pretty funny thing that was said to me today. I just started back to college for the spring semester, and in PHED class, the professor had us...
  14. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    I nead some name's

    Little Dexter! He sure looks like a cocky little guy to me.
  15. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    What killed my babies?

    It could've very have been that ol' possum. Kill it. One less predator to deal with. Keep setting out that trap of yours. If I wasn't worried about catching my cat, I'd set out my live trap too.
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