Recent content by 3riverschick

  1. 3riverschick

    The Sussex thread!

    Thank you Faraday .I'm not worried about money for the birds they just need a home. if I could find the right home I'd give them away. Karen
  2. 3riverschick

    The Sussex thread!

    [email protected] 724-420-1358 Karen tewart
  3. 3riverschick

    The Sussex thread!

    Well it's been 14 years now in the poultry world and it's time to wrap it up age and my work scheduler in the way and I'm going to rehome my light Sussex flock there is as of the spring there was one cock one Cockerel free pullets I'm two hands I still have them if anybody would like to get...
  4. 3riverschick


    Hi oldhen, getting ready to leave the pooltry world after 14 years .currently looking for someone who wants to rehome my flock of 8 light Sussex chickens .there's such good birds .but so many people just want to turn them into coronations it's very sad .hopefully I can find somebody who wants...
  5. 3riverschick


    if it is molting put them on nutrena feather fixer. it can be fed to both sexes with no problem as long as they're over 16 weeks .my birds just finished their molt on feather fixer and as usual their feathers are sublime. this is a great feed you can feed it all the time as long as the birds are...
  6. 3riverschick

    What exactly did you Google (search engine of your choice) to get here?

    Here's what I found on Buff Sussex: all except the first cite are in the Sussex Breeder's Directory at the Club website. Have to check around maybe in for the PrairieOasis website. prairieoasispoultry ----------------------- Waltz's Ark Delta, CO...
  7. 3riverschick

    Sussex vs Brahma

    Hi, Sussex is eWh (Wheaten) based allele. Brahma is eb( Brown) based allele. An "allele" is the basic canvas upon which all colors and modifiers are "painted". Difference is in the breeding methods. In eWh, the underfluff is white to the skin. The bird does not need any color balancing to get...
  8. 3riverschick

    The Sussex thread!

    wow chickengrass, just stunning. Karen
  9. 3riverschick

    Using calf manna as a supplement for chicks.

    Hi, These are broilers your are raising, yes? Check out the mega site or this is an excellent section of poultryworld called , "Look...Think...Act". There are several companies, esp...
  10. 3riverschick

    Weak & thin chick won’t eat, HELP!

    Hi, Go to Tractor Supply or your feed store and buy a small bottle of Bovidr Labs Poultry Nutri-Drench. Give the chicks a dose. use this any time a chick looks needy. It doesn't need to be digested, mainlines directly into the bloodstream, measurable in the bloodstream in 10 minutes all natural...
  11. 3riverschick

    The Sussex thread!

    Hi, Well it's been a long winter. Lost one hen. Have one cock, one cockerel, 3 pullets and 2 hens. Picking up 3 more mature adults this month. Looking forward to hatching later next month. It is a late season but think I will see some nice chicks. These ill be pure Silver wheaten. No Blue or...
  12. 3riverschick

    Boy or girl?

    Hi, Check the hackle feathers. The female hackle feathers will be rounded at the end. The male hackle feathers will be narrower and pointed at the ends. Also if these chicks are wildtype based ( e+ allele) ...if they are e+ based the eye stripe will be darker on the female. Chick B in the 2nd...
  13. 3riverschick

    Roo or pullet - Light Sussex?

    I agree with Diva. Plus the one has way too much black in the white parts. Pure Light Sussex have white legs. Best, Karen
  14. 3riverschick

    Light Sussex crosses?

    In order for the sex-linked to work you need a colored roo over a Light Sussex hen. If you reverse the sexes, it's not sex-linked. Best, Karen
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