Recent content by 2cool4school

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    ***URGENT*** Flock dropping like flys

    I've actually hatched some chicks from these hens before they stopped laying, could they also be affected?
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    ***URGENT*** Flock dropping like flys

    Wow that's crazy, are they safe to eat? I'll have to investigate this.
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    ***URGENT*** Flock dropping like flys

    @NatJ They have unlimited water all day long, we live around thirty minutes south-east of Austin TX so we are very aware of the heat. As for food, they eat grass and bugs and we try to make sure they eat enough feed. Sometimes there's food left over at the end of the day.
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    ***URGENT*** Flock dropping like flys

    Thank you for your prayers @Toastedone and for your advice @azygous, I move the tractors everyday, sometimes even twice a day. I haven't thought about getting a vet sample. @Toastedone could you elaborate on AI? I've never heard of it, these are the first chickens we've had and raised them from...
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    ***URGENT*** Flock dropping like flys

    Hey BYC, I just had three chickens die this morning and I have really no clue why and the rest of them haven't been laying eggs, I have around thirty-something hens and one rooster that wasn't doing so well either. I have them in chicken tractors and feed them organic dumor feed. When I feel the...
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    ***URGENT*** Baby Chick leg issues

    Thank you guys for the support and comments, I actually took the bandaid off as he/she wouldn't walk with it on. This sounds stupid but I think it walks better without it. The other one maybe I'm just overeacting to a weak chick. But I'll try my best to do what I can I'm just hoping I can save...
  7. 2

    Goose got into motor oil, please help!

    Instead of using saline solution try using baking soda as it is heavy in salt, try mixing two teaspoons into a cup of water and tasting it to make sure it's not overly salty but just enough to where you can taste it.
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    Goose got into motor oil, please help!

    I'm no goose expert but I know that this is deadly for any poultry. I would inspect the eyes of this goose and that of another that was not affected and see if there's a difference, maybe some bloodshot in the eyes. Also, I would try and offer it some food to see if it will eat it, maybe if it's...
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    ***URGENT*** Baby Chick leg issues

    These are the pictures for chick 1, chick 2 is below this line. I honestly don't think either one will make it and it's pretty sad considering that I'll only have 19 left out of 30 eggs I put into the incubator.
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    ***URGENT*** Baby Chick leg issues

    Hello BYC, I'm posting on two chicks that I've hatched out of 21, the first chick seems to have spraddle leg so I cut a bandaid in half the long way and am using that as a brace. However, it doesn't seem to be working as the chick is not even trying to walk at all. As for the second chick it's...
  11. 2

    Chick Problems

    Hey, sorry for the late update! I've been building two A Frame chicken tractors and am almost done with the first. I've been keeping them in 2 rabbit cages about 3x3 each. Is this bad? I intend to finish the coop tomorrow so I can put them in and work on the second tractor. I don't know why but...
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    Chick Problems

    Hey thanks for the reply, we got them on the 26th of last month when they were supposedly one day old. I'm assuming that they're almost four weeks by now. I also ordered 40 chicks and had gotten 42, which two died. The first died around day two I believe and the other one I euthanized because it...
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    Chick Problems

    Hello BYC community, I don't know if you remember me from the last post but I actually had to euthanize the chick with a deformed leg :(. Thankfully the rest have been doing fine. However, I'm a little worried about the rest of the flock as I have some abnormally huge chicks, and what seems to...
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    Baby Chick deformities

    If anyone else has any ideas on how to heal this chick please let me know, also I'll try to take a picture of the affected hock. Thanks again, Isaac H.
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    Baby Chick deformities

    I think all of you brought up great points but the reason why I brought up it was not a broiler was because my thoughts were that if it didn't get fat living with one leg should be fine. I don't think I'll kill this chick unless I can visibily tell it's dieing, otherwise I think I'll try and...
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