Recent content by 12 gauge

  1. 12 gauge

    TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

  2. 12 gauge

    TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

    Awesome!!! we now have 6 Californians 2 bucks and 4 does and 1 new Zealand buck
  3. 12 gauge

    TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

    Hey guys whats up?
  4. 12 gauge

    **This Looks Really Yucky!! Can Anyone Help??**

    Yes ma'am it could be it is on her left eyelid and a speck of it is on her right cheek now. my mom found mites on her today do yall think the mites can be doing something to her?
  5. 12 gauge

    **This Looks Really Yucky!! Can Anyone Help??**

    Oh goodness! We're using the Neosporin with pain reliever so I'll go pick up some without it as well as some of the Vetericyn spray. There doesn't seem to be any puss but there is a small amount of blood coming from the "cracks". We first noticed it about 3 days ago. I'm also wondering if it...
  6. 12 gauge

    **This Looks Really Yucky!! Can Anyone Help??**

    My bantam hen has this weird, yucky "growth" between her eyes (she doesn't have a comb or it would be on her comb). I don't know if she was stung by something or if it's something else entirely but her left eye is somewhat swollen and both eyes are irritated and bubbly or foamy. We just noticed...
  7. 12 gauge


    I would love to see your hens
  8. 12 gauge

    cayuga duck thread

    it is just so hard to tell maybe she is older
  9. 12 gauge

    Comment by '12 gauge' in article 'youngchooklover's flock!'

    and have you tried epsom salt for elizabeths feet?
  10. 12 gauge

    Comment by '12 gauge' in article 'youngchooklover's flock!'

    cool flock sorry about elizabeth
  11. 12 gauge

    cayuga duck thread

    when a cayuga duck starts to turn white they do that when they get old but she looks alot like a full cayuga but she maybe a mix
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