Recent content by 1000yearoldeggs

  1. 1000yearoldeggs

    Valley quail hatched by coturnix! *pics

    Thanks all. Yeah I'll have to make sure about the bar spacing. I think it's 1/4 inch but there is a gap where it closes. I would love to let her hatch out yearly. The female valley doesn't seem interested so I'll probably leave her to it every year if she's in the mood.:)
  2. 1000yearoldeggs

    Valley quail hatched by coturnix! *pics

    Hi, haven't been on in a while but I bring exciting news! One of my coturnix has hatched 8 out 15 eggs, not her own though. Here's the actual parents: Yes, I have valleys and coturnix living together and they get along fine. The valleys stay up high mostly and just think the coturnix are...
  3. 1000yearoldeggs

    Small aviary for gambel's quail, height ok?

    Hopefully these can help, the first pic is the front, I wanted it nice and open so I could see them, it has 1/2 " cloth on it. The plastic on the bottom isn't part of it, I just use that to cover it up on bad days. The second pic shows the side room I made so they can rest their feet, I have a...
  4. 1000yearoldeggs

    Small aviary for gambel's quail, height ok?

    I can get a pic for you if you want. I'll warn you now that it ended up very different than the original plan, lol. I tried to add too many extra things to it and it is very heavy. The main thing to know is that you should have some type of airlock if you plan to keep a flighty type of quail...
  5. 1000yearoldeggs

    Using Sand as Bedding in the Winter...

    Yes, I plan on wrapping it in plastic this year also. My chickens like being outside, even in the few below zero days we had. I'm hoping it will help keep the sand from freezing.
  6. 1000yearoldeggs

    Using Sand as Bedding in the Winter...

    I have to say, sand is very nice during the warmer months. I keep pine chips in the coop and sand in the runs. I don't know if it's just me, but my sand freezes in winter. I had a very hard time keeping my runs clean, since the ground was essentially frozen. I would appreciate any advice on this...
  7. 1000yearoldeggs

    Why increase in oyster shell consumption?

    Ok, thanks. I wanted to make sure they weren't allergic to it or anything like that. I really hope this method works, the chicken in question has had it for almost a full year.
  8. 1000yearoldeggs

    Why increase in oyster shell consumption?

    Hi, I just wanted to know if clotrimazole cream would work instead of the Tinactin. I have one chicken that has vent gleet, so I'd like to try your method.
  9. 1000yearoldeggs

    What type of wikd berries are these, can chickens a eat them?-photos included!

    I have a bunch of those bushes. They taste pretty good, don't be afraid to eat some yourself. There's seeds in them, but they taste pretty sweet if you eat the purple/black ones. I pick some off for the chickens and they devour them, they'll eat the red ones too.
  10. 1000yearoldeggs

    Why don't my chickens eat bugs?

    My chickens chase and eat flies for fun, but not all the time. I guess it's an individual chicken thing. They also love moths for some reason.
  11. 1000yearoldeggs

    Square footage for Quail?

    I don't have any personal experience with bobwhites, but I do know many people give them something like 5 square foot per bird since they're a little aggressive. Hopefully someone with more experience can help you.
  12. 1000yearoldeggs

    Wanting to add more ventilation

    That's why I wanted to ask, I knew someone got one before. Thanks, I might go a different way since winters are bad here. I didn't want to drop like $45 on something that wouldn't work well all year round. Thanks for the advice.
  13. 1000yearoldeggs

    Wanting to add more ventilation

    I actually already have a thermometer in there, it says merry Christmas on it, but it's pretty accurate, haha. I'll work on getting it, if barns use them, they have to work well.
  14. 1000yearoldeggs

    Wanting to add more ventilation

    I have two vents and two small windows on the coop, but I feel like I need more ventilation for the summer. My main question is has anyone used one of those wind turbine air vents on their coop, the ones you use for attics? I saw some at Lowes and thought it would help a lot with air exchange...
  15. 1000yearoldeggs


    Just to help some people out, even if they're feathered out you have to be careful transitioning them to go outside. I put 6 week olds outside (along with an older hen) in April (it was still pretty cold here, probably 40 or 50 degrees at night) and it triggered a molt. Inside it was probably...
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