Lady of McCamley

My Broodies

My current brooding stable: The Queen Mum (buff Silkie) and 2 mottled bantam Cochins (Rosie and Mimsy) who are hatching various chicks from my Barnevelder roo (Bernard). I am producing Barnebars (Barnevelder/Cream Legbar) for olive eggers; utility sex links (Barnevelder/Rhodebar for red laced, sex link utility or Barnevelder/Cal Grey for black sexlink utility); hoping to create a really pretty blue laced dark brown layers (Barnevelder/Splash Marans)...and various other projects such as my Barnevelder/ Gold Star to try to capture and deepen the wonderful terra cotta eggs the GSL lays. I am breeding for egg color and feather color to create a colorful egg basket and color coded plummage so I can see at a glance who is laying what color egg.
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