Wry neck in 7 week old buff orphington...Please help!

UPDATE: She made it through...She is alive and thriving. A little of balance still but amazingly 3 days, all your support, allot of patience, sticking with it, following through and not giving up...Lil Gracie made it!
When she popped her lil head up and talked to me, it was the most beautiful thing I've seen in along time!!! (Still miss you my lil man...I'll never forget you my boy-mister😞) Now she is eating, drinking, preening, dirt bathing, you name it...she's doing it! 3 days guys! You ALL ARE TRULY AMAZING!
Scrambled eggs will provide all the selenium needed for the uptake of vitamin E and there will be no danger of overdosing.
I couldn't get her to eat, she wasn't able so I had to tube feed with a syringe for those 2 days. It was all I could do she couldn't even swallow on her own so I had no choice. Good thing thanks to you all I am now a pro (just kidding, but pretty close to) at tube feeding adult hens!
I ended up having to do a mixture of the egg yolk, her regular feed, purified water, with the vitamin E (which the only one I could find was the 1000IU) 3 times a day, along with .25ml poultry cell and same as with her hydration...Plain filtered water syringe tube fed.
But I do have a quick question is it the egg itself or the scrambling that makes the selenium in the form they need?

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