Work/life balance


Aug 21, 2022
Ok, so those of you who work from home, or work for yourself, what do you do? I need a work from home job so bad! I want more time for work around the house and more time for family! Also, I hate locking my chickens up for most of the day! I've worked at the same place for 16 years, and it's time for a change! I have a nearly 2 hr commute each day. I'm capable of googling for ideas... but there are so many scams out there -would rather hear from real people! Thanks!! Pics of our huggy bug chickens for tax!:)


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I've been working from home for several years now. My work fundamentally involves programming, so my deliverables are completely electronic. A lot of jobs where you sit at a computer for most of what constitutes the work are easily done remote with zoom meetings instead of face to face ones. The main challenge of course is finding an employer who trusts your remote work ethic. For independent work (which I've also done a bit), finding clients is another challenge on top of that.

Not everyone can manage living and working in the same space as a permanent arrangement; some people need a work space that is separate and away from other life stuff to be able to get into "work mode" and focus. Some people can set that up within their homes. I have a home office that isn't strictly for work but it serves as a "don't bother me" focus area. I don't have hard start-stop times, just a cumulative amount of stuff or hours that needs to get done each day, so I spend my mornings outside then alternate working at a computer and doing things outside the rest of the day. I often work right up until bedtime with that arrangement though.
Thank you for your reply. The home environment does have it's challenges for working. I did it for 2 years during covid. There was definitely a learning curve to it. I learned some techniques that helped me out quite a bit to focus. I really feel like I could do it, but you're right, it would be a constant balancing act with all the housework right there begging for attention. I also think going to something part time outside the home would relieve enough pressure off the family to make a positive difference, even if I made less money. Sometimes the money is just not worth the time lost and anxiety running the rat race every day while having a family and animals to take care of! I just have to figure out where the best balance would come out at.
You've given me some more to think about. Thank you for your insight!

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