Wobbles and Bean are fighting nonstop šŸ˜ž


10 Years
May 11, 2013
Hi all, I come to you with a problem. My male and female duck, Wobbles and Bean, are fighting excessively. This has never happened outside of mating. They are going at each other like they hate the other one more than anything else in the world!

They NEVER used to be like this. They've been close their whole life, now suddenly they both have become super aggressive. Both are instigators, I've seen one just attack the other out of nowhere, and vice versa.

The last five days, it's just been nonstop. It's not mating behavior, neither one is head bobbing or presenting, they just go straight for each other's throats.

What on earth is going on, and how do I fix it? I can't just keep them separated for
the rest of their lives, they're houseducks.

Are they your only ducks?
(Could you, maybe, post a picture?)

Maybe there was a very small issue between them, and you did not notice?

Look... if life have taught me one thing, that is birds can be terribly ressentful...

One of my chicken... in the past, she did not care if my dog was in the garden or not...
But a day... my dog JUST made the - apparently - biggest mistake in his life : he ran just behind my hen, and sadly scared her by doing so...
So, for months, my hen had been so ressentful she hated my dog and chose to get her revenge by attacking the poor boy...

Maybe there is nothing serious with your ducks, and they just have some small problems with each other?

...Do they have access to a pool or a pond?

And do you think, if they are your only two ducks, you could take home at least two other females...?
Hi all, I come to you with a problem. My male and female duck, Wobbles and Bean, are fighting excessively. This has never happened outside of mating. They are going at each other like they hate the other one more than anything else in the world!

They NEVER used to be like this. They've been close their whole life, now suddenly they both have become super aggressive. Both are instigators, I've seen one just attack the other out of nowhere, and vice versa.

The last five days, it's just been nonstop. It's not mating behavior, neither one is head bobbing or presenting, they just go straight for each other's throats.

What on earth is going on, and how do I fix it? I can't just keep them separated for
the rest of their lives, they're houseducks.
Just a few weeks ago my ducks were going at each other females mainly fighting. My drakes haven't started yet. I am thinking hormones
Can you let them work it out or do you think they will hurt each other?
My 2 drakes have started their spring fighting. There has been unseasonably warm weather and this has started months early. I'm concerned my older drake, Jack, is losing his status. It is hard to watch and I'm afraid of injuries so I have separated them. I don't know whether it is safe to just let them fight it out?
I don't think I'd let my 2 young drakes who do everything together go after their dad who is going on 8 yrs old in April. That would be going to far. I won't even let my 2 drakes go after my old Muscovy females. I am trying to rehome one of my young drakes that way there won't be team work .
poor drakes thereā€™s just too many of them. even though I could never kill one of my own pets ( oh, yes my ducks are all pets )
I have in the past sold drakes for $10 each on craigslist knowing full well theyā€™ll probably end up in a soup pot. at least they fed somebody.

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