What medicine can I get for sour crop in the UK on Sunday?


Apr 14, 2022
Yorkshire uk
Hi all,
My galena has sour crop. Didn't notice anything was wrong until last night putting them to bed. The place that i normally get medicine for the girls from isn't open until Wednesday. What can I get for here today that will help here. All the vets close by are closed Sunday and don't treat chickens.
Any help appreciated.
Hi there, another uk chicken lover here. Have been battling a chronic sour crop/pendulous crop situation for the longest time, my Goldie's still going though!

The meds you need will depend on how bad it is. Is the crop full of sour liquid? If so, I've learned from experience that best thing to do is tip it out. If nervous pr If your chicken struggles this could backfire, so best not to do If lacking confidence. Oral Daktarin won't work if there's a ton of liquid in there. If it's not too full and smells yeasty and mild you could try epaom salts (1 tsp in cup of lukewarm water) over the course of the day. Any supermarket has it. Next step, oral daktarin. No need for prescription but need a boots or Yogi or similar pharmacy. Daktarin =1 ml syringe, 3x per day ideally. Could mix into soft food if she won't take it (scrambled egg works for me). Dont use the foot cream, need the oral version. This didn't work for my Goldie but she had a bad case, lotsof brown stinking liquid.

in the past Canestan vaginal suppositories have worked for me. There's a good article on dosages somewhere on here. If you want this route I'll look it up. You can get this easily on online chemists with a small questionnaire & express delivery. Again Boots will have it. You'll have to claim you have an infection down there to get it!

If a really bad case, get Battles pure copper sulphate and mix the correct dosage. If interested, can send you more on that. Can get in one day on Amazon Prime. This works amazingly well for stubborn cases. However takes a toll on the bird, so best if she is not too thin and weak already.

What's causing the sour crop? Do you know? Must be something underlying it that needs fixing. Is it blocked? Any funky smels or other symptoms?

Good luck!
Just another thought. I've moved on to homeopathy with Goldie, as can't keep giving her strong drugs after 2 yrs of pendulous crop & repeat episodes. I've found nux vom works quite well. 4 drops of 30c straight into beak or on a small amount of oily fish (disguises taste). Makes for a fair amount of gas at first, so you'd probably want to very gently massage some of the gas out. Takes a few days to work. Give every few hours until gone, 2-3 days.

Final thought: Canestan cream can be used in a pinch. 1 ml 2-3 × per day. Not as safe as the vaginal suppositories though, so I'd go for it only if you're stuck. Might want to follow up with Avipro & milk thistle powder (try Amazon for this).
Thank you.
I don't know what set it off. She seemed fine yesterday morning. At bed time she didn't go in to the coop. White diarrhea where she was sat. Crop almost empty and doughy. Crop the same this morning. Small white parch in throat. Just need syringing her some water as not interested in food or drink. She's sleeping on the towel I wrapped her in in the sun now. Shops open now so will head out to get something for her in a few minutes.
That's odd, hope you can get something suitable. I use Westgate Labs for stool samples, they're pretty good at identifying issues and have a fast turnaround. Harkers (pigeon drugs) offer a great range of non prescription cures and can be got on Amazon Prime if it turns out she has worms or a bacterial infection. When was she last wormed btw & does she free range?

Can you offer some raw egg in if she's not eating solids at all? I find this can help keep energy up and mine have never attacked an egg as a result of this (the reason for the scare stories). Let me know how it goes. 🤞
They do free range a bit in the garden. Last wormed about 2 months ago.
I offered some scrambled egg and she only took a week full. Syringed 40ml water into her this morning which she tolerated well.
So sorry for your loss. If you do home necropsies on your chickens, you can look at the organs, and learn what may have caused her crop disorder. Reproductive infections or disorders, ascites/water belly, worms, or other infections may lead to crop disorders. Some people recommend using acidified copper sulfate with sour crop if the antifungal creams or suppositories do not work.
Thank you, my daughter was so distraught that I didn't risk upsetting her more with a necropsy. It wouldn't surprise me if there was something genetic with her as she was always the greediest of the 4 and the smallest/skiniest. They others are all fine, crops full last night and empty this morning and laying well. I'll keep a close eye on them.

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