Unable to walk


5 Years
May 5, 2019
Got a 4mo old pullet that's been unable to walk. When she sits her legs have a tendency to stick out in front of her and when she trys to walk it's on her knees more or less. Has now strength in her feet. She's had wry neck when she was younger and had issues waking. In assuming this is it again. She's the only one I've ever had such issues with.
I have been crushing up pills, mixing in an egg, and cooking it to feed to her daily.
Vit e 180mg
Selenium 200mcg
Vit b compex
Vit b1 1.5mg
Vit b2 1.7mg
Niacin 20 mg
Vit b6 2mg
Folate 666 mcg
Vit B12 6 mcg
Vit d 7.5 mcg
Calcium 500mg
Magnesium 200mg
Zinc 12.5mg
Sodium 5mg

What's y'all's thoughts?


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Sorry about your pullet. Mareks disease could be a possibility, if there is no improvement. Diagnosis usually has to be done with testing by your state poultry lab during a necropsy, or with a pcr blood test through a lab such as RAL. Wry neck or torticolis may also be a sign of Mareks, although it is more common with vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency, head or neck injuries, and in a few viruses that affect the brain. Egg is a good source of selenium. Usually vitamin E 400 IU and 1/4 tablet of B complex are good treatments to rule out vitamin deficiency. What are you feeding her? Have you ever had any unexplained deaths or lameness in the past? Here is a list of state vets in case you would want to get a necropsy if you should lose her:
Sorry about your pullet. Mareks disease could be a possibility, if there is no improvement. Diagnosis usually has to be done with testing by your state poultry lab during a necropsy, or with a pcr blood test through a lab such as RAL. Wry neck or torticolis may also be a sign of Mareks, although it is more common with vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency, head or neck injuries, and in a few viruses that affect the brain. Egg is a good source of selenium. Usually vitamin E 400 IU and 1/4 tablet of B complex are good treatments to rule out vitamin deficiency. What are you feeding her? Have you ever had any unexplained deaths or lameness in the past? Here is a list of state vets in case you would want to get a necropsy if you should lose her:
Most of my deaths in the past were from heat even though I had plenty of water bowls and shade around. The only one I'm not sure of was some kind of neurological and that was couple months ago maybe. Though this one has been in a separate flock from the one that had the neuro issue. Shes been on a non medicated 22% protein, 3% fat, 3% fiber meat bird feed from a local feed mill. I know this may not be the best thing for her and siblings but for me it's more than half the price compared to a starer/grower feed from tractor supply. I would say they have been on it for 1 maybe 2 mo tops. Rest of the flock has been on a 50/50 mix of the 22% meat and 16% layer with choice oyster shell.
Here is a link that shows chicken sling chairs where the chicken can be placed for periods throughout the day to help get her up and have access to food and water:

She's been pretty good on getting to feed and water. She's able to move herself around with the upper half of her legs. It's just the lower half of her legs that haven't been able to support her. When I pick her up she kicks around a bit but has no grip strength
I have been crushing up pills, mixing in an egg, and cooking it to feed to her daily.
Vit e 180mg
Selenium 200mcg
Vit b compex
Too much Selenium. Max daily is 25mcg and that would include what she's getting in her feed. Choose to give her a small treat of egg, tuna or sunflowers to help with a little more Selenium if you wish.

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