Sponsored Post Therapy Chickens: 3 Flocks Changing the World

chickens are definitely good therapy animals! I am calmed just thinking about mine, and when i am out there, two will just hop up onto my lap, snuggle real close, and lay down for a nap. Really calming!
I am a full believer in "therapy chickens", as you know, @sumi! Anyone who has known me knows what a difference they've made in my granddaughters' lives. The older one, Katie, has mild autism and has been caring for our chickens all by herself since she was 8 years old, even when we are out of town for days at a time. Her little sister Kendra has a much more severe form of autism, is mostly non-verbal, and has Spina Bifida. Both girls love the chickens, love helping out, and inspired a BYC article on their interactions with the flock. The best moment ever was when Kendra, who is mostly wheelchair bound, actually "walked" out to the coop and brought in eggs! She'd been bringing them in after we put them in the basket on her lap in the chair, but this time she held her therapist's hand and carried the eggs on her own all the way to the house! So yes, therapy chickens!! Great topic, but then I might be a little biased!
I whole heartedly agree! My daughter has Autism and I came to a similar conclusion.I purchased a few chicks to try helping her with time as she doesn't take notice of time passing.. now she is responsible for checking the chicks every 20 minutes.So far so good!

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