The most adorable (disabled) chicken couple


Feb 10, 2022
This is Mr. and Mrs. Chicken (creative, right?). The rooster hatched as hunchback and slow with a lot of physical tasks (but mentally sharp), and the female was a hatchery purchase but blinded in one eye by a pecking injury. The rooster has an immature crow, and he sounds off regularly to the foraging groups from his cage at the entrance to the coop. These two chit chat amongst themselves, mostly, she comments and complains about the food and hay, and he patiently observes and responds. They both also comment when I come to collect her eggs. He seemed very proud when she laid her first egg. Once I saw him, not exactly peck at her head, but comb it with his beak. She is an Isa Brown with a huge appetite and he always lets her eat treats first.



Very cute. But, why are they in a little crate?
They prefer it in there. The rooster is very clumsy and insecure and can't handle normal flock life. He just ends up huddled in a corner. He is much more confident in his crate. The hen will occasionally 'ask' to come out, then stand by the crate at dusk looking at me until I put her back in.
They prefer it in there. The rooster is very clumsy and insecure and can't handle normal flock life. He just ends up huddled in a corner. He is much more confident in his crate. The hen will occasionally 'ask' to come out, then stand by the crate at dusk looking at me until I put her back in.
@sourland @NanaK I try not to judge others here on BYC. Like I mentioned, they both have mobility issues, and even if given more space, stay close or inside the crate. Most people would have butchered them, and these appear to be happy.
@sourland @NanaK I try not to judge others here on BYC. Like I mentioned, they both have mobility issues, and even if given more space, stay close or inside the crate. Most people would have butchered them, and these appear to be happy.
I'm not judging you. :) Just thought it sad. Would be nice if they had a bit more room. They may eventually use it. I have a hen with mobility issues also. She is 9 years old.

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