Somebody just gave us 50 quail eggs.


15 Years
Jan 26, 2008
New Hampshire
The landscaper working next door noticed our chickens and brought over a basket of Coturnix eggs. Just popped them in the incubator. They sure are cute little things, but this could be the start of something bad...
Just make sure you have rocks or marbles in the waterers. They drown very easily and they also love piling onto eachother(2-3 high). Other than that they are pretty similar to chickens when raising.

Oh yeah, you need to remember to grind their food so it is small enough. We were giving Gamebird Starter crumbles and they couldn't eat a large portion of the crumbles because they were too big. So, we took a rolling pin to them and got immediate results.

How nice! Good luck with hatching them!
We've been thinking about some quail. Trouble is room. If someone showed
up with a buncha eggs the bator would get turned back on.

Post a pic.
I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Probably eat most of the males. Maybe build some quail housing inside the chicken coop. Maybe let them free-range for the summer to feast on Japanese beetles. Do they eat bugs that big, and will they stick around like chickens? I'll have to gather more knowledge. What did people do before the internet?!

I'll try to get one up tomorrow.
Hey PC - walk AWAY from the bators... I thought you just finally got yours cooled off and put away for a while LOL...

I think mine have been running pretty much non stop since last October

Man, I wish someone would walk up to me and hand me some gratis hatching eggs - how fortunate! Hope you have a good hatch!

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