Slow crop?


May 22, 2020
I noticed one of my hens this morning moving slow, seeming unfocused and occasionally twitching her head down like she was gagging, and her crop looked huge. I caught her, and her crop feels like a water balloon with a bit of scratch in it, but her breath doesn't smell sour.

She is otherwise the picture of healthy, only a year old, and we've had no food changes, no moldy food (no, not even slightly moldy table scraps) and no antibiotics. They all got a single dose of Backyard Chicken Zyfend A, a few days ago. No other chickens seem to have any crop issues.

I've never dealt with slow or sour crop, and I'm running into a lot of conflicted or vague info on how to treat it or if I treat it. She is currently inside with no food or water.

Any clarification on what I should be doing about this would be very, very appreciated, I'm quite nervous about this.
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I'm sorry no one replied to you!
I hope someone can help you soon!!
Hi, sorry I never responded, the hen was not the end of my animal problems and I forgot about this.

I've been giving her apple cider vinegar, slightly diluted, several times a day, and sparsely feeding hard boiled egg and probiotics. She isn't fully recovered, but she is on the mend :)
Some hens may overeat and stretch the crop muscle out of shape to where it won’t retract. This is known as pendulous crop. A crop bra is one thing that might help if that is the case. What is she fed, and does she have chicken feed available during all daylight hours? The article posted above can be helpful in determining impacted, slow, sour, or pendulous crop. I have found some hens may have a slow crop when the body slows down, such as during brooding. Worming with a proven wormer, such as Valbazen 1/2 ml given one and later in 10 days, or using SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.50 ml given for 5 consecutive days may help if worms are the problem. Here is an article on crops:

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