SHOULD I deworm?


In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2022
San Diego County, CA
I have an otherwise happy and healthy naked neck chicken. A few days ago, I noticed one small worm in her cecal poop. I bought some fenbendazole paste just in case, but I'm thinking about NOT deworming her and seeing how things progress. On one hand, if I see an adult worm, does that mean she has a relatively high worm load? However, she seems to be doing well otherwise, and while I haven't been able to watch closely, I have yet to see any more. I guess my question is - to wait or not to wait? Part of me wants to deworm just in case. But it seems that cecal worms (what I'm assuming it is) are common and don't cause too much of an issue. However, are they only not a problem if you aren't seeing any? So the other part of me wants to leave well enough alone. She's my one remaining girl out of the seven chickens I rescued when I bought my house a few years ago. She's always been happy and healthy (even after each of her flockmates moved on to that big chicken coop in the sky) and she still appears to be, at least so far. Thanks for any help!
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