pics of my babies

Julie R

In the Brooder
12 Years
May 23, 2007

here are my babies in thier favorite place to sleep- all 20 of them


they have moved from thier little plastic tote to my spare bathroom- there are 5 black dutch ( with the black feet ),5 light brahmas ( white chicks),5 ameraucanas,5 silver laced cochins ( big black chicks )


can someone tell me what kind of rooster KFC is???


here is miss peaches i think she is a buff orp ??


finally here are my other kids afflac and frodo ( they think they are chickens)

hope you like our little family it seems to grow all the time LOL

Julie R
great pics! KFC might be a White Rock. He's too thick to be a Leghorn, but not thick enough to be a Cornish X. I have a White Rock roo too, but he's a Frizzle so I cant compare!
We were guessing that he is a White Rock but were not for sure- all I know is he needs to work on his crow ( he has only been crowing for 2 weeks) my hubby says it sounds like he has a cold because the crow is not very good yet LOL but he is still a baby I think he is only about 16 weeks (give or take ) the ducks and miss peaches were all hatched the same day from Privett Hatchery.
They wereall getting along but lately my ducks have been picking on KFC - chasing him around the pen and doing this kinda " herding " thing with him, but we are going to be moving in a few weeks so I will build them a bigger run, I dont want to break up the little flock yet.

Thanks everyone for the input on what breed he might be, all I know is I love him ( even if he was suppossed to be a she )

Julie R
Please put some litter under the chicks- their legs may be damaged if they have to struggle on the newspaper.
they normally have some litter - put lately after we put the paper down the chicks will tear the paper into pieces and make thier own litter - which is fun to watch them " make thier bed" - I am hoping to have the coop at our new house built soon and hopfully all the babies can go outside during the day- but I am worried that KFC will hurt them so I think I will build a wall with chicken wire to keep babies safe from bigger " kids "


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