My first Silkie Pip!


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Well out of a dozen Silkie eggs I ordered from one breeder only 4 were (maybe) fertile,,,I couldn't see through 4 of them so I kept them just in case. I have more silkies on the way but anyway,,,this is day 21 for my first batch of silkies with only 4 eggs. I can't believe,,,,I just checked on them and low and behold one of them has pipped! I'm so excited now,,,can't wait to see the little booger!
Keep fingers crossed for me!
OOOOps! Sorry guys,,,forgot to post on here!!!!! duhhhhhhhhhh! Anyways,,,I had 2 silkies born, one grey, one white. The little grey one not doing so well. Seems weak off and on,,,wabbly when standing. I've been giving him water which he enjoys. I've seen him occasionally peck at food but not too often. Other silkie is fine,,hanging with the frizzles now which by the way,,,all frizzles doing fabulous!! So funny to watch them,,omg! 2 of them scratch their feet on the ground trying to impress the others....they have also started occaionally kicking their feet up on the other one and flapping their wings. They are less than a week old and think they are so grown up right! So cute. I put down newspaper with paper towels on top of it,,,any time they see something new on ground it's HUGE excitement and when one takes notice to something they all gather round and stare to see what it is.
One frizzle,,,the leader guy,,,,seems to have a polish haircut which almost looks like a mullet which totally suits his personality...he's the big scratcher of the group!!! There's only one other bird who can scratch yet too. So they stare at each other as they scratch their feet on floor while the others watch. The mullet haircut just totally adds to his personality I think. I will take a picture of him when my husband gets home. I'm naming him "Mullet" for sure.
I'll keep you posted as to the little weak grey silkie too. I gave him/her a ton of water this morning and she's resting now.
Thanks for listening!
I have "Quick Chick" from Mcmurryhatchery mixed with my water which I think is about the same as suger water. I also tried some Gro-gel Plus which no one ate! I also have some Broiler booster but haven't given that yet to the little silkie. Maybe I'll try that next.
She's very precious and I've been praying for her last night and this morning. She had a little second wind there last night thought she was getting better then this morning back to feeling yucky she is.
I'll keep close watch. I have 2 other gentle frizzles with her. The other silkie seems to want to peck her so I moved it in with my other frizzles that are more active and he's/she's fine with them.
The 2 frizzles the little sick one with are just enjoying resting like her. I washed her behind last night to make sure she didn't have pasty butt. One thing I can say is that when she was born,,,she had a little red bubble on her butt. I have no idea what it was. Looks normal now but it's hard for me to tell much. She has no poop stuck to her though so that's good. It's terrible to not be able to do much more to help. I blew her behind dry last night after I rinsed her back there. She was fine with it all.
Thanks for your help! Glad to have any other tips too!
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