Is this leg bowed?


Sep 26, 2022
Hello everyone! I have a farm in SC and a month ago purchased 3 ducks from TSC (I know I know) I did what I usually do and picked 2 of the smallest ones that didn't look good and were getting trampled. I had plans on building a duck enclosure with a koi pond and river rocks so this wasn't an impulse purchase.

As soon as I got home I realized that one of them had horribly crooked legs. He fell over a lot and we'd find the poor guy on his back not able to right side himself up.

I work for a veterinarian and brought them to work and we discussed some things then. I had them on duck starter food, I was adding niacin to food and doing B complex. My boss said hopefully they'd straighten out now that they were on the right diet but also this could be a deformity out of the egg.

I think his legs are a lot better BUT he definitely limps and his right front isn't straight under him. They're 5 weeks old now, my question is will he be able to live a normal life and not be in pain?

He has no problem getting in and out of the baby pool although we did make some adjustments for him to climb.

Here's a link to a video of him walking:
I think the leg looks good and sure didn't seem to hinder when going for the food. We have found with Pekins they will probably need a supplement of Niacin their entire lives. They just don't have strong legs. Keep up with what you are doing it has helped. I'd make sure he can have steps or a ramp for the pools so he doesn't have to jump down or up to get into the water.

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