How was the Greenhouse today?

My greenhouse is very underutilized at the moment. Honestly it’s more of a tool shed than greenhouse at the moment. I built it last year and haven’t really got the hang of how to use it. While I was building my chicken coop it was convenient to store tools out of the rain and close to the build site. Some of the tools are still there.

It currently has 2 tomato plants and 4 pepper plants growing in containers. The peppers are doing really well. The tomatoes are surviving and fruiting but not growing nearly as well as the tomatoes we have outside in the garden. I don’t know if it’s too hot or the wrong variety tomatoes for containers, probably both.

We did start a bunch of seeds in it in the spring and it worked well. I hope to do some fall stuff in it but haven’t started it yet maybe this thread will be the motivation I need. I’ll try to get a couple pictures tomorrow afternoon before I head into work.

I look forward to seeing and reading about other peoples greenhouses. Maybe I can learn how to use mine.
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Here is my greenhouse, technically my wife’s greenhouse. When we moved to this house it only had an attached one car garage. I built a large shed to store lawn equipment. The rebate $ from my shed and related tools bought her greenhouse. It is 10x12 based heavy on the Anna white design.

Please excuse the weeds and clutter it’s been a busy summer.


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Here is my greenhouse, technically my wife’s greenhouse. When we moved to this house it only had an attached one car garage. I built a large shed to store lawn equipment. The rebate $ from my shed and related tools bought her greenhouse. It is 10x12 based heavy on the Anna white design.
Beautiful!! I love the roof's design and curvature! It's actually quite spacy! My family has run a greenhouse for over 25 years and we have 2 gigantic greenhouses. One for selling them in, one for growining! I just love it! I will send pictures when I go near it!
Beautiful peppers!! Those tomatoes usally like cool- and then SOME hot, they're even picky about what tempature of water you water them with!
Wishing you a bounty of Veggies!!
My husband built me a green house. I've used it in the spring to start my tomato, pepper, and squash plants. I'll use it this fall to cure my sweet potatoes, if I get some.:fl

I have grown a few greens in it in the winter, but not many. It is a lovely place to sit in February on a sunny day. It can be 65F in there when it's 30F outside.
I went through my seed stash today looking for cold tolerant crops to try this fall into winter. I planted beets, broccoli, cauliflower, and kohlrabi. I plan plant some lettuce in the planter that currently has peppers in it once the peppers are done for the year. I didn’t plant a lot just enough to play around and see if anything will grow in the cold weather.
I need to make a space to move one of my vertical gardens into my greenhouse. The idea is to plant lettuces and spinach and see how long into the season I can keep it. My greenhouse is unheated, but I read that you can put vessels of water in the greenhouse, to heat during the day, and put off a little heat at night. I have a huge barrel, and might paint it black (it's blue). DH bought me some water-softener salt to put in it, to help keep the water from freezing. What do you think of this plan?
I read that you can put vessels of water in the greenhouse, to heat during the day, and put off a little heat at night. I have a huge barrel, and might paint it black (it's blue). DH bought me some water-softener salt to put in it, to help keep the water from freezing. What do you think of this plan?
For plants that can withstand a bit of frost, anything that helps, helps! I would worry about the barrel corroding with the salt water, and a leak developing.

Or is it one of those big plastic barrels...?

Has anyone tried a terra cotta Crisco heater?
I went to my local feed store for chicken and dog feed. They had some very sad looking mums outside marked down to practically give away prices. So a got 10 small 4 inch pots and 10 big 8 inch pots for a total of $2. I figured the pots are well worth a dime each even if the flowers die. Anyway I took a few minutes to cut out most of the dead and gave them a much needed watering. We’ll se if they recover

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