Hen acting strange - tucking head, lagging behind flock.


In the Brooder
May 5, 2023
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Columbian Barred Rock, 5, Unk

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
I noticed yesterday our hen with the most personality acting funny and standing with her head tucked in to her body and her tail feathers more pointed downwards. My ladies (and gent) are free range, and as they rotate through to their normal spots depending on the time of day, she follows them but has been lagging behind the rest. She is also not a laying hen - all my other hens (about the same age) still lay except her.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
1.5 days

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
No - everyone else is normal and happy.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Not sure, she just started acting this way.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
She's had some chicken feed - and still shows an interest - I gave her plain yogurt and some grapes as well which she gobbled up like her normal self.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Her poop last night was green with a white discharge, kind of loose, but not diarrhea - this morning it was brown/green and no white discharge.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I did check for mites/lice yesterday - and I did see some yellow lice-looking things in her feathers; they were alive and moving. I didn't have anything on hand and read in a group we could soak her in dawn, which I did - we rinsed and blow-dried her as well, which she loved. There are no eggs on the base of her feathers at the skin yet before the bath, so think it's a relatively new situation. I checked her again this morning after running to TSC for poultry defender or something like that - and saw some dead lice, but nothing active - I ended up spraying her anyway.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
I hope to treat myself, i do not believe we have many poultry vets in my area. I also plan on spraying and treating the rest of the hens/roo tonight when they settle down. The one in question we handled a lot as a chick so she is more willing to let me handle and treat her.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
The team has a nice coop; I have purchased some cleaning supplies today and plan on power washing the entire coop from top to bottom and applying the cleaning agent recommended to decontaminate from lice/mite infestations. It's very large, bedding wise - we have horses so we use the same compressed pellets that you add water to and it expands and turns into powder.


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hi. you said shes the only one her age not laying? have you felt her abdomen/belly ? Im not sure how chickens act when or if eggbound I really know ducks/geese better . but you said shes pooping so maybe that means theres no blockage. How does her crop feel? full/empty? squishy or hard?
and maybe you can give her some kind of vitamin supplement in her water? or probiotics? I use nutridrench
Head tucked into chest could possibly be capillary worms in the crop. A fecal sample taken to a vet to be looked at under a microscope for worm eggs would help.
Otherwise you can dose her with Safeguard liquid goat wormer using a syringe without a needle.
Dosage is 0.25ml per pound or 1.25ml for a 5lb hen given orally for 5 days straight.
Consider worming all your birds.

It sounds like you're doing a good job taking care of the lice problem, including the coop and your other birds.
Poultry Nutri - Drench

thats nutri drench I use when i dont know whats wrong . I am actually treating my geese for worms this week exactly how dawg just said. ducks will be next
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hi. you said shes the only one her age not laying? have you felt her abdomen/belly ? Im not sure how chickens act when or if eggbound I really know ducks/geese better . but you said shes pooping so maybe that means theres no blockage. How does her crop feel? full/empty? squishy or hard?
and maybe you can give her some kind of vitamin supplement in her water? or probiotics? I use nutridrench
Thanks for your response! When I bathed her last night her crop was hard and it does look full.

I do have probiotics, but she's not interested in water. Does show interest in yogurt though!

She is pooping, update from my post earlier - it looks like there are no worms in it but it did come out with a milky white discharge.

Yes, she is the only one for her age not laying - She hasn't been regularly laying for a while now.
Head tucked into chest could possibly be capillary worms in the crop. A fecal sample taken to a vet to be looked at under a microscope for worm eggs would help.
Otherwise you can dose her with Safeguard liquid goat wormer using a syringe without a needle.
Dosage is 0.25ml per pound or 1.25ml for a 5lb hen given orally for 5 days straight.
Consider worming all your birds.

It sounds like you're doing a good job taking care of the lice problem, including the coop and your other birds.
Thanks for the feedback and response! I was able to connect with a local vet who unfortunately can't see her today but did recommend I pick up a bottle of injectable ivermectin and give her a .05ml dose orally.

I'm hoping this works out for my girl!

Appreciate the kind words as well :)
Just updating for lurkers like me who might need this at some point:

99% sure I was dealing with an impacted crop - Saturday - Sunday, I gave her HydroHen and Olive Oil via a 3ml syringe - 4/5x per day and massaged her crop in a circular motion. Which is the suggested method for home treatment (via the web) - This morning (Monday), she was acting more like herself, but still a little off so I took her to a vet anyway as I had the appointment - and they gave us some Itraconazole (Itrafungal) to take home and give her for the next 5 days.

Gave her the first dose this morning and fed her some eggs - she's acting a little more normal now :)


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