Gosling with eye issues


May 29, 2021
Hello all -

I am seeking some advice or thoughts on my one gosling who has a bulgy eye (photos attached). The one with the drawn white circles is likely 12 or so hours after she first hatched. I noticed it in a video I took of the goslings after the woman I sold her to complained of her having eye issues.

I sold her as a two day old to someone (my partner took her to his work for pick-up). My partner did not notice she had an eye issues and a week later we have traded that person a gosling with healthy eyes and are now caring for her.

At the moment we are giving her a bath, spraying (gently, but some amount of pressure) her eye with saline solution, and then repeating with chamomile tea (cooled, of course). We are repeating this in the morning and in the evening and have only treated her twice so far.

I am unsure if anyone else has dealt with this. My thought was her eye got scratched coming out of her egg, or she had goop in her eye that is now stuck under her third eyelid.

It is also possible it is a deformation I suppose, but that seemed odd to happen only to the one side. Her other eye is totally fine.

I appreciate any thoughts folks may have. I am considering a vet visit, but it is $130CAD for just the initial appointment so I am attempting to treat on my own first.

Thank you in advance,



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Swollen eye(s) can be a sign of a respiratory infection, it could also be something stuck in the eye, or maybe the eye did suffer some trauma like a peck or a scratch as you suggested.

Do they have deep enough water that they can submerge their heads into? That can help to keep eyes and nares clean.

Do you know anything about the living conditions the gosling was in prior to her return? It’s a tough one I know but if there was hay, something moldy, or even other birds around it can offer some clues.
Another question, have you seen any bubbles at all in the corners of the eye?
Is she breathing more heavily, wheezing, Sneezing, snicking, or coughing?

Have you noticed any discharge from the nares or eyes?
Another question, have you seen any bubbles at all in the corners of the eye?
Is she breathing more heavily, wheezing, Sneezing, snicking, or coughing?

Have you noticed any discharge from the nares or eyes?
Thank you for your reply Goosebaby,

The picture that has the white drawing on it was from before she was sold to the individual so it appears she has had it from hatch or right thereafter. There has been no foaming, no wheezing, no unusual sounds or sneezing, no discharge of any sort... their waters are deep enough at this point to clear their nares out but they will soon out grow it (they sure do grow fast..!).

I am not sure where I might see something stuck - would it be in her third eye lid in the corner? Underneath the eyelid at the bottom? Her eye is not red at all. I am not sure what other signs I might look for to indicate something is stuck.

If something were stuck I wonder if it will clear itself with time and me rinsing or will it require something more invasive. I suppose that will depend upon what exactly might be stuck.
Thank you for your reply Goosebaby,

The picture that has the white drawing on it was from before she was sold to the individual so it appears she has had it from hatch or right thereafter. There has been no foaming, no wheezing, no unusual sounds or sneezing, no discharge of any sort... their waters are deep enough at this point to clear their nares out but they will soon out grow it (they sure do grow fast..!).

I am not sure where I might see something stuck - would it be in her third eye lid in the corner? Underneath the eyelid at the bottom? Her eye is not red at all. I am not sure what other signs I might look for to indicate something is stuck.

If something were stuck I wonder if it will clear itself with time and me rinsing or will it require something more invasive. I suppose that will depend upon what exactly might be stuck.
I’m not sure how to check myself, it would probably be better to let the gosling try to flush it out herself when bathing, assuming there is something in there.

Is she acting at all different than the others? Has she been scratching and rubbing at that eye more than the other?

If she had that at the time of hatching it could be a developmental issue, so long as she’s healthy and behaving normally it might just be an athletic issue.

There’s a goose named Hemingway who was a rescue that came with a pony some people on Instagram took in, he has a permanent squint in one eye that they weren’t sure occurred from an injury or was a birth defect. It doesn’t seem to affect him whatsoever.
I’m not sure how to check myself, it would probably be better to let the gosling try to flush it out herself when bathing, assuming there is something in there.

Is she acting at all different than the others? Has she been scratching and rubbing at that eye more than the other?

If she had that at the time of hatching it could be a developmental issue, so long as she’s healthy and behaving normally it might just be an athletic issue.

There’s a goose named Hemingway who was a rescue that came with a pony some people on Instagram took in, he has a permanent squint in one eye that they weren’t sure occurred from an injury or was a birth defect. It doesn’t seem to affect him whatsoever.
Yes, perhaps it is just how she will be. You think it is better not to flush it out ourselves? Just let her bath and that's it?

One more thing I might add - when she was outside just now with her brothers and sisters she was behaving oddly. She was turning her head as though she had trouble seeing from that side and more than twice wandered off on her own as though she did not realize no one was with her. Not sure if that is brain related or sight related but I would guess sight related.

It is quite possibly a defect and may result in her blindness. I will just keep her if it winds up that way. I am hoping the gander I bought is not somehow magically related to my geese resulting in defects but she is the only one who seems to have any issues at all.
Her eye looks irritated to me, and I'm guessing that you probably don't know what kind of bedding she was kept on while she was away from you. I hatch and raise geese, and it doesn't look like a deformity to me.

I'd offer her extra nutritional support in case she's dealing with a significant irritation or injury, along with offering water for her to dunk her head periodically and applying an ophthalmic gel like Vetericyn or even Terramycin (this one's an antibiotic).

Best of luck!
Her eye looks irritated to me, and I'm guessing that you probably don't know what kind of bedding she was kept on while she was away from you. I hatch and raise geese, and it doesn't look like a deformity to me.

I'd offer her extra nutritional support in case she's dealing with a significant irritation or injury, along with offering water for her to dunk her head periodically and applying an ophthalmic gel like Vetericyn or even Terramycin (this one's an antibiotic).

Best of luck!
Pine and spruce shaving - just your standard white wood shaving you'd find at any feed store. I use a larger flake myself that isn't as dusty - no one else seems to be having issues with it but who knows...

Good to hear you don't think it is a deformity!

I am giving her lots of grass, a small amount of lettuce, daily grazing, and of course duck and goose starter feed 22% crumbles. If you recommend anything else I'm all ears. I do have electrolytes available to me as well as poulvite that I could purchase at my local feed store.

I am not sure where I can purchase those two gels you've listed - I am in Canada and we have hardly anything of that nature unless a vet proscribes it to you. I looked online and didn't see anything but I will search again. Thank you for the recommendation.
Hello @BlackRaven27 would you be able to update on how she turned out? I received a baby from a hatchery and we just noticed she’s got more of a bulging eye and wondering if what you tried helped in case this progresses. Thank you!

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