Fig tree leaves turning yellow, dying. What causes this?


Would rather be gardening
Aug 28, 2021
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hello everyone!

I have a fig tree that has been acting strangely all year. The plant started creating figs at the same time as the leaves (March/April), which is highly unusual, because we don’t start seeing figs here until July/August. This plant always produces figs that are green when ripe (not purple or brown like normal figs) and I couldn’t seem to find what variety it is from online research. About a month ago, some of the Leaves on the plant started turning yellow, but I attributed it to lack of water. When I returned from two weeks of vacation, I noticed that a lot of the leaves had fallen off or died, but only in certain areas of the plant, and that the fruits were wrinkling up when still unripe. When I got a closer look today, I couldn’t find any obvious signs of bug infestation. I did notice that the yellowed leaves had black or white spots, and that the figs On the tree all seemed to be in various states of development, with some still thumbnail sized and others almost ripe. I added some photos as well. The tree is about 3-5 years old and I have never seen this before. Any help is appreciated!


Given your proximity to the NC Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill, I would suggest getting in touch with them. They can probably assist or refer you to someone that can. Good luck.
I'm too late, but for the record, this tree had an obvious problem with its water equilibrium,

Fig trees are basically indestructible but they loathe to be soaked and fall when rots are on stagnant water.

In this case the hit was sudden so I would say that the problem was that either your tree has received some pesticides leak from other area, or too much fresh manure in a short time so the soil had accumulated salts
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