Do Drakes attack the male ducklings?

Thanks for the info, and thanks mum, I learned a bit also of what to do. They are so lucky to have a mum like you! Little pond and boards... aww... lucky little ducklings

Thanks windy, ill put a pic on when ive finished!
A good ramp is 2 old oven shelves joined in the middle with wire so that it looks like a book would if you opened it and stood it on its ends, does that make sense?
anyhow you put this in a blow up pool. The oven rack may need to be covered in fine mesh so they dont slip thru the gaps. watch for punctures!
I am trying to make the little dam hold water for a while, may need cementing just on the bottom.
Ill figure it out tommorrow. Ive spent all afternoon outside on a perfect day making the duck run, spring is in the air and the pear blossoms are about to burst out.

(Spring has sprung the grass is ris, I wonder where the birdies is!)
well it will be spring on Sunday.
Poor little "DD" Short for daddy duck, or donald duck, he saw a zeppelin flying over our house and he ran for cover under the bush, he doesnt like them.
does it matter which breed of duck you have? I heard not to separate the drakes from the hens..but we were talking about Muscovies. so is it different with the different breeds??
I believe it may matter what breed, i say "may" because they might all differ and it may depend on individual drakes!
I found the best ramp is actually old fridge shelves rather than oven shelves!
I place shadcloth mesh over and sew it on.

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