Dead RIR

Sudden death can be caused by Leukosis or Mereks, among other things. If you are in Calif, you can get a free necropsy done at CAHFS at UC Davis or one of their other labs.
If you are in another state, try to find the state vet's or an agricultural extension office and ask if the state has a program to provide free necropsies.
A necropsy done by a private vet (often costing hundreds of dollars) is much too expensive to be practical unless you are suddenly losing large numbers of very valuable birds.

Im sorry about the loss of your bird. Sometimes they just suddenly die without symptoms, and a necropsy may be the only way to find out what happened and whether or not it will effect the rest of your flock. Keep the bird carcass cold but not frozen prior to the necropsy.

My RIR died about a month & a half ago the same way. I sent her to UC Davis. They said she was severly obese & basically her internal organs particularly her liver couldn't handle the amount of fat in the bloodstream. or something along those lines, basically her liver bled out.

Looking back, i somewhat blame it on bad advice from the local feed store who told me to feed my chickens scratch as their primary diet - which contains mostly corn which very high in fat & a 'hot feed'

I now worry that some of my other hens could suffer from the same, they were all on that diet.


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