Cross Bred Chicks


Jan 14, 2024
My Ameraucana hens bred by a Buff Orpington ROO. Most of the chicks came out light colored not yellow but yellow/brownish with dark brown stripe like EE generally do but there are a could that are black like the hens and one that is red/brownish. it came from a red brown americauna. I think that should make them lay pale green eggs , right?
My Ameraucana hens bred by a Buff Orpington ROO...I think that should make them lay pale green eggs , right?
Yes, the chicks will probably grow up to lay pale green eggs.

But there is a chance that some chicks will grow up to lay light brown eggs instead. It depends on whether some of the hens carry the gene for not-blue eggs (can produce chicks who lay brown) or whether the hens are all pure for the blue egg gene (will give it to every chick they produce, so all chicks will be green eggers.)

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