
May 12, 2024
I have a 7 week old olive egger, she's a lovely lavender grey color but she has come up with red blotches on her wing-feathers and the back of her head. The feathers look completely healthy, the red doesn't wash off, she's acting normal, and the skin is not irritated. I'm fairly sure it isn't mites(but will be treating everyone just in case) but it's so strange to me. Is there anything that could cause this?

Not unusual for chicks to change color as they molt into their juvenile and then adult feathers, but not sure if that's what you're referring to.

Parts of them are a bit damp in this picture from me checking to see if it would wash off, but you get the idea.
That's going to be juvenile/adult coloring coming in. Chicks rarely feather in as the color of their down.

Also those dark red wisps on the wings could be male specific coloration but not exactly sure when that would show up, to confirm if that's what I'm seeing.
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