Beak trimming for bullying???


Apr 4, 2020
Way UP north MI
I have a small urban flock with 5 hens. They have all lived together for a while, but recently we started having “feather picking”…NOT bullying…literally just picking feathers for no apparent reason.

I already had a long post on here about a month ago, making sure I had all my bases covered. Yes they have good food 20% protein, room over 10sq ft per bird, and enrichment (wood chips to dig in, cabbage swing, outside driftwood roosts)

I have it isolated to the one who is doing it. They are my pets and we have had them together for 3 years, we don’t want to part with them.

I was curious about if trimming the “bad girls” upper beaks slightly would stop her from feather pulling from her multiple flock mates? I read about it online, but wanted to know if anyone had any experience with this working?

Attached photos of article I read, missing butt feathers and tail feathers on two different hens (one is higher on the pecking order than “bad girl”)…and a headshot of bad girl and her beak…also can you use a dog/cat claw trimmer?

I have trimmed my dog and cats claws….is it similar?


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It's not really similar in this sense. You'd be cutting into the quick here (as far as I know; I've never done it, though I've bought birds who did have it done).

For my "feather pluckers," I put Pinless Peepers on them for two weeks (if mine are still plucking when the Peepers are removed, I'll put them back on a few days later).


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