4 wk old Faverolle looking worse and worse...


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2020
I have a 4 week old Salmon Faverolle that arrived through the mail along with other mixed chicks looking and acting a bit "off." She would kind of lurch around and looked unbalanced and had an eye that appeared a bit puffy. I assumed she would improve and it was largely a result of the transport, etc. so I gave her electrolyte and just kept an eye on her in the brooder. She seemed to be improving - at least with the balance, though she was still a bit squinty in one eye (the other is fine). The other Faverolle in the mix and she have both been very, very slow growers compared to all the other chicks, but I check her after I feed everyone several times a day and she has a full crop, etc. so seems to be getting feed, etc. In fact, she isoften found riding on the back of some of the bigger chicks. I have seen no aggressive behavior in this lot - aside from some tussling and frenzy when I am feeding and watering them, etc. Unfortunately, in the last week, instead of improving she has really starting declining and now has bare patches and her eye is extremely squinty - almost closed most of the time.

Any ideas on what the issue may be and what to do about it?

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
  • Salmon Faverolle, 4 weeks, she seems similar size and weight to the other faverolle, but they are both significantly smaller and less feathered out than the Bielefelders and Speckled Sussexes.
2) What is the behavior, exactly.
  • She seems to have corrected her original coordination problems, and acts normal, though is startled a bit when approached on the squinty eye side, so I don't think she can see well through that eye.
  • One eye is squinted almost shut all the time. Note that it does not have bubbles or any kind of discharge, etc. It does appear a little more sunken in than the other eye (since arrival, despite the slight bulge - I know that doesn't make sense)
  • I have been monitoring her for respiratory issues based on another post and have seen no signs of congestion or sneezing, etc.
  • She has patchier feathers (several entirely bald spots - kind of like a Cornish x) than the other faverolle and the feathers that have come in are at kind of odd angles.
  • While it is cleared up now, both of the faverolles did have pasty butt for the first week, so they had to be cleaned up twice a day.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
  • Since arrival, but they appeared to improve after a day or so, then about a week ago started worsening again.
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
  • The other faverolle is also quite tiny with very little feathering, but I think its just a breed characteristic?
  • Otherwise, everyone else is doing very well in the mixed flock.
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
  • No, the eye is just squinted almost shut
  • She does have a very light scratch on one of her bald spots, but I think that was incidental from one of the other birds accidentally stepping on her and it doesn't appear to be an issue.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
  • She arrived from the hatchery like this
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
  • She eats regular chick starter crumble and straight water with occasionally lettuce/greens treats, etc.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
  • not totally sure (the other chicks poop too), but her cleanliness issues are cleared up (no pasty butt anymore)
  • Definitely no blood
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
  • Electrolyte, extra attention and cleaning
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
  • I would like to completely treat her myself.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

I can't get the pics to post :(. I'll keep trying and post as a reply if possible

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
  • I started them on paper toweling and then moved them to wood shavings, which they are currently on.
  • They are currently in a 2 x 4 trough with about 2 inches of wood shaving (non-cedar). They have a heat source and I keep the average temp in the brooder at 75 right now to balance the feathered and less feathered breeds and allow them to regulate their temp.
I would twice a day wash her eye with saline or eye wash, and then apply either Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store or plain Neosporin ointment into her eye until it is healing. Do you have any pictures of her eye? Others may pick on her because of her bad eye, and she might not see well enough to get plenty of food and water. So I would offer some to her before you clean her eye twice a day.
Thanks, Eggcessive!
Best pic I have been able to get of her eye today. You can also see that she is a bit scraggly looking. Her wing feathers are coming in oddly for some reason as well
She doesn’t appear to be having issues getting enough food and water (I do offer her both when I take her out to clean her or handle her, etc.) and has never really been picked on - I assumed she would be when she arrived because she was so awkward so I have watched carefully for it. It’s an oddly cohesive/non-aggressive flock so far!


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I have raised salmon faverolles in a mixed flock, and they were the meek birds that could be pecked on by the more aggressive breeds. Let us know how her eye gets along.

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