
  1. F

    Is my 4 week old wellsummer a roo?

    So we got chicks a few weeks ago that are all supposed to be pullets. We did get a couple wellsummers and both had the sharp V and eyeliner that girls generally have. However it has developed a decently sized comb. So I just wanted to see thought on if it's a roo or a hen?
  2. I


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my chickens April of last year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 (3) What breeds do you have? EE's and Wellsumer's (4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com? I came across the...
  3. S

    Hello from Orangeburg, SC

    Hello, This past summer my soon to be husband bought me 4 chicken and built me a coop for my birthday. Best birthday present ever! We wanted the chickens for fresh eggs and decided to add a few more to our flock. We went to a small farm to buy 4 more chickens and we ended up buying the farm...
  4. MareAndChicks

    RIP Potato Roo....

    Greetings. I got my first chicks on my birthday back in January on the 7th. I moved to a 5 acres horse property in the woods of Fall City, Washington back in October of last year, 2016. This is a dream come true for me and my family. The property had a hen house, fenced run, and a fenced in area...
  5. Sara Suits

    Free Rooster, Phoenix, AZ Welsummer 13wks

    Hi everyone! Trying to find a good new home for our Roo, he's 13 weeks old. will attach recent pics. Thanks for looking!
  6. Chicken George 2

    Hey everyone

    I'm ash I'm new to the chicken game . I have 6 welsummer and 12 light sussex hens. I also have 1 welsummer cockeral and currently have 12 wellsummer eggs incubating, they are due to hatch in 9 days. I hope to get some good advice of this forum. ☺
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