
  1. Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator

    Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator

    I have a broody who has added about 4 eggs to her clutch over the last couple weeks, and she started hatching the eggs I gave her yesterday. My incubator (china-bator) has been doing great, but it's full! So I decided to make my own lock down incubator! My plan is to keep my china-bator with the...
  2. Boonie Stomper

    Chickens love STYROFOAM! Eating Again, Polystyrene!

    Its amazing what lengths chickens will go to for a crop full of styrofoam cooler or polystyrene packing often used as insulation. :pop Mine have never shown any illness from having eaten a little of it in the past. But though I've tried to get it away from and keep it from them in the past, I...
  3. Lazy Farmer

    Egg Carton Contamination

    I not a really big fan of washing my eggs except if a little poo gets on them. I usually use wipe them down and place them in the cartons prior to refrigeration storage. So this time, I have been a little busy with my pigs & goats and slacked off on cleaning my nesting boxes... SO, 18 of my...
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