stuck egg

  1. C

    Chicken soft shell egg stuck in the vent area

    I have 2 hens who are getting weaker and appear to have a soft shell egg destroyed inside them. I've tried getting some pieces out but no luck. It's hard when they keep moving and when they close their vent. One of them (Goldie) has been in the nest box for the whole night trying to get it out...
  2. A

    Need help with stuck old egg

    Took my 2yo Buff Orpington to the vet to get checked out. She hadn't laid an egg since fall. She quit when everyone else did for the winter but never restarted with the others come spring. She laid an old egg one day, vet confirmed that it had probably been in there for awhile. He took an xray...
  3. X

    My duckling is attached to the egg

    Our duckling hatched to early and it made it tho the night but idk what to do now
  4. Watermeat

    Eggs getting stuck and changing color

    Now, I have two different types of chickens. Half of them are Easter Eggers, and half lay brown eggs. Recently, the chickens that lay our brown eggs have been having a few issues with laying their eggs. They have gotten stuck three times now in the last week. And today, they were all suddenly...
  5. Chicken Chiquita

    Egg bound? NEED HELP NOW!

    So today i went outside to let my chickens out and my White Plymouth Rock is acting strange; she is kinda waddling, does not have much of an appetite, moves slowly, seams oblivious to surroundings, is puffed up, wings are out, and vent is bleeding (see pics). I'm thinking shes egg-bound. She was...
  6. Egg Binding: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    Egg Binding: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    What is Egg Binding? Egg Binding refers to a very serious condition in any female bird that has an egg stuck in the oviduct that she is unable to pass. This can be a life-threatening issue and can cause serious damage to internal tissue, infection...
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