
  1. Flat Pack Coop Takedown and Appraisal.

    Flat Pack Coop Takedown and Appraisal.

    This article is about a flatpack coop taken to bits after almost a decade of use. Lots of people buy these flatpack coops and the model I’m going to write about is a popular style option in the UK, made by various companies. It’s a generic style and most look identical from the outside, while...
  2. Completed...for now.

    Completed...for now.

    After the kennel was in place, I gradually added hanging flower planters on each side and the DowntHen Abbey sign. One name plate is blank because "Daisy" turned out to be "Alfred," and unfortunately, he'll be rehomed as my husband doesn't want roosters. Hardware skirt was added on 7/24.
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