sexing silkies

  1. BlueHorse17

    2 month Silkie gender?

    Hi everyone. I have a 2 month old Silkie from a batch of eggs I got off of EBay. All the others have a flat comb still except for this one. I’m assuming because of the difference in comb (and it being large already) that this is a male? Bad genetics or possibly a Silkie cross?
  2. BlueHorse17

    Silkie genders?

    Hi all! My friend sent me over some photos of their Silkies. Trying to guess gender for them. I’m thinking both splash are male, one buff is male (the one in the background), and one buff is female? They are 9 weeks old. These were the best photos they were able to get. Thoughts?
  3. emslickchicks

    Sexing Silkie Chicke

    Hey! I know it’s probably too early to tell, but I have a feeling this paint Silkie is a Boy. “Maggie” was hatched in 7/28. Thoughts!? Thanks!
  4. akf93

    13 week old Silkies Gender

    Can someone help me sex these three Silkie cuties? They are 13 weeks old.
  5. Qui1980

    Sexing 12-13 weeks old Silkies. I’m so lost🤔

    I have 4 Silkies, 2 black, 1 white and and Paint. I know the Paint is a cockerel, however having troubles with rest. No matter how much I research and compare I can’t quite figure it out. The paint is the only one with a waddle growing and has by far the largest comb. In the pics you'll See the...
  6. Cloverr39

    Silkie chick gender guesses!

    Okay before you say "they're too young to sex", I know they are. They're 14 and 19 days old. I'm making this post to share my guesses and predictions. I will update every week or so. I'll introduce the chicks as a reply to this thread. Anyone is welcome to share their opinions and guesses on...
  7. W

    Silkies Hen or Roo?

    They all look the same to me! I’ve known all along the white one was a roo based on personality and now he’s crowing so it’s confirmed. Pretty sure the black one is a pullet, but I’m terrible at gendering. Can anyone tell me what these 4 birds are? I’ve labeled them in the pictures for easier...
  8. A

    Silkie sex guesses

    I have a feeling I have 4 roos 😂 that would be my luck lol we will enjoy them as long as we can till we know for sure though ❤️ What are your guesses all are around 10+ weeks except black one. 1st is pink a white, next is perdita a splash, then Ursula the black, last is A white named Frankie.
  9. Sexing Silkies

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everybody! When I first got my silkie chicks I searched for everything about them, especially about sexing them, as I had heard that silkies are very hard to sex. Surprisingly, once I tried it, it didn't seem that hard. Searching around, I found that there are no articles on how to sex...
  10. Mikaela Taylor

    PLEASE help me sex these Silkie "hens"

    I have 3 silkies we got off of someone 4 hours away. We were hoping they would be hens because that's what we were told but now I'm not so sure. This isn't the first time we ended up with roosters after being promised hens so I'm pretty upset wondering and wondering if they are male or female...
  11. Chronic Incubator

    12+ week old Silkie Gender - please help

    I'm brand new to silkies and just recently bought 4. I have two 3+ month old chicks (one black, one white) and a 6+ week old splash chick. The partridge (not pictured) doesn't show any signs of gender at all IMO. What gender do you think these guys are are? I think I have at least 2 roos. Here's...
  12. backyardchicks

    Sex of 18 Week Partridge Silkie

    I posted on my Partridge Silkie a month or two ago. Most thought rooster, but I had a few thinking it might be a pullet so I held on to him/her a little longer. Now, I have my 18 week Partridge Silkie up for sale. What do you think? Pullet or rooster? No redness at all in its comb and I can't...
  13. backyardchicks

    14 Week Silkies - Sexing Help?

    I have two Silkies that are 14 weeks old and I am having a difficult time telling if they are pullets or roosters. At first I thought pullets, but they are stumping me now with their crests. The first 4 photos(same bird) its new crest hairs seem to be all around its crest. Comb is pretty flat...
  14. Squeak61

    Silkie gender

    Hi everyone. I have some 6-7 month old silkies here, and I’m very confused about this one’s gender. This chicken is SIGNIFICANTLY larger than the others and it’s feathers are suspiciously rooster-looking. No crowing, though, that I’ve heard. Thoughts?
  15. NJ_Tara

    Obsessing over the sex of my silkies (video)

    New chicken mom here. Brought home four 5-week old silkies yesterday. The breeder/farm said its impossible to accurately sex them yet. Of course, a little bit of internet research is a dangerous thing and now I’m obsessively watching their behavior. Here’s a link to video - would love to hear...
  16. Keylime

    13 weeks--are my silkie and golden laced Polish chicks pullets?

    I got two straight run chicks this year and have had them since the day they hatched (I did my best to pick females based off of some of the sexing hints I found online). Now they are 13 weeks old and look exactly like little hens. My polish's crest and saddle feathers are round, she has no...
  17. BantamAshley

    Help Sexing! 5/wk-old silkie w/comb.

    I have Two 5/wk old silkies. A white, and a partridge. I am remaining hopeful that the partridge is a pullet, but what do y’all silkie experts think about the started comb development on the white one? Thank you very much for your time.
  18. C

    the old 2 month silkie question

    i need help sexing my silkie. i got him/her as a day-old chick. i'm guessing it was about 2 -3 months ago??? almost full grown in size, may still be growing in hackle feathers & tail feathers...? all my others were sexed as girls, and are other breeds. it is late enough on that i can tell the...
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