run space

  1. matthennessy

    Run space for 2 chickens

    Hey y’all, I have 2 black australorp hens in my backyard and they are currently in a 10x6 run with 2x3 coop. Although it’s said to have 10sq feet of space per bird, even having triple that with each of my birds getting 30 sq ft, they seem to always want more. Now I know this is normal and...
  2. J

    Appropriate run space for three ducks?

    Hello, I am fostering abandoned domestic ducks that have been dumped in a local pond. I am replacing their old run, which was way too small for the three of them. I was planning to make their new run 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. I have two Pekin ducks and one welsh harlequin. Is this big...
  3. Katonk

    If you could ask a poultry science professor

    What's questions would you pose to a poultry science professor? I've had a bunch of questions about deep litter and the feisability of a tractor hybrid, so I decided to reach out to the experts. I joined up here and got the benefit of years apon years of experience through members generous...
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