naked necks

  1. K

    Break my heart

    So I have a new flock of 9 that are almost 6 weeks old. 2 of them are Naked Necks, which I've come to find out may be the most loving chicken in the world. The black one here taking the#1 spot. I was getting excited thinking of all the places we'd go together until last week when suddenly this...
  2. Lilchknmomma

    Are my silkies eggs fertilized??

    She's been a faithful layer since about 6mos or so. I get maybe 4 a week. Recently (I'd say about a week ago)my naked neck rooster "stepped on" her and she layed 2 eggs since nothing unusual. Today i noticed a little white speck that looks similar to those on google that show eggs are...
  3. Lilchknmomma

    Ants or pox?

    So i think my Roos either got into ants or have chicken pox...get it😂😂😂well i thought it was funny... Theyre Naked necks about 3 1/2 mos. Old and have these bumps on their necks and heads but not anywhere else one having it a little worse than the other. Also checked and none of my other...
  4. Lilchknmomma

    I think i have 1 of each🤔

    I have these 2 naked necks. They both chase after eachother like I assume roos would. They have plenty of room to forage but still manage to go after one another. I try to keep them apart letting them out at different times but then I feel bad and let it out. I think the 1 with more red on the...
  5. Manmythlegend

    Climate Change Chickens

    I live in southern Arizona and while we have good weather 75% of the time, the dog days of summer can be brutal. I would like to take Turken stock and cross them with other heat tolerant, dual purpose (leaning toward egg production) breeds that have minimum heat related issues. Other than the...
  6. Hayden Farms

    What breed NN are these guys? TS chicks

    Pick these up at a local TS and they were only labeled as naked necks. Just wondering what breed to expect. My husband mentioned they are part turtle!! :idunnoLMAO! TIA
  7. K

    New Member in North Carolina

    Good afternoon! I've only lived in North Carolina for the past year...big life change and move from Tennessee. My boyfriend and I recently bought our dream farm and we've started raising chickens. We have several breeds and cannot wait to see what our future holds in this new adventure. I raised...
  8. Squeak61

    ISO Naked Necks

    I’ve been searching for a few different breeds to complete my flock. My ultimate dream chicken is a Turken. So, I’m looking for any farm or breeder that could sell me either chicks or pullets. Any help would be appreciated, maybe there’s someone on here that sells them. Oh, and I’m located in...
  9. EquiSally

    WANTED: White Turken Rooster or... Waco, Texas

    I know this is a long shot (& I also check Craigslist) but I thought I would post this here as well. I'm not in a hurry to find this guy but am always hoping.... I am looking for a large fowl, white turken rooster: NN preferred, fully naked necked with no or extremely minimal bow tie. I am...
  10. EquiSally

    WANTED: White Turken Rooster or... Waco, Texas

    I know this is a long shot (& I also check Craigslist) but I thought I would post this here as well. I'm not in a hurry to find this guy but am always hoping.... I am looking for a large fowl, white turken rooster: NN preferred, fully naked necked with no or extremely minimal bow tie. I am...
  11. DarkWater1929

    Frizzle, yes. But frizzled What?

    I apologise in advance for the photos. My only camera is my phone. I wish that they were clearer. I was brought a pair of roosters, because they were "crazy." Both are frizzled, so the crazy part does not surprise me. In my experience, male frizzles are always. Battier than other birds. I was...
  12. obicat

    My last egg is unzipping!

    I'm not quite sure how I even ended up hatching in the first place! I bought some brooding equipment for some chicks I had booked and there was an incubator in it, so I thought why not! I found some eggs from a friend of a friend. Naked necks x silkies, well apparently, more about that in a...
  13. Poultry Genetics (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc)

    Poultry Genetics (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc)

    GENETICS (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc) Kippenjungle's Chicken Calculator is a handy tool for anyone wanting to learn how genes interact with each other! Chicken Quest Gene CALCULATOR CLICK HERE Poultry Genetics for Exhibition Breeders CLICK HERE Poultry Genetics For Small and Backyard...
  14. B

    Naked Neck hatchery for meat

    I thought there was a hatchery that raised naked necks and barred rocks that were oversized for meat. Does anyone know the name of it?
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