
  1. Hen_House04

    Rodent Repellent??

    Anyone ever sprayed this around the outside of their coop? TIA!
  2. Hen_House04

    Rodents, Rats, Mice- oh my!

    Has anyone ever used this inside and around their coop? I am having a hard time with little mice all of a sudden and Lord knows I👏🏼can’t👏🏼do👏🏼rodents😵‍💫👏🏼 I ordered one of those flapped lids where they fall into a bucket and that will arrive tomorrow. Until then, I have all four chickens in a...
  3. U

    Chicken ate dead mouse

    So the other day my pack leader hen found a dead mouse my cats had killed and swallowed the thing whole when I tried to take it away from her. I feel like I should de-worm her, yes? Any suggestions on good de-wormer and directions on how much to administer?
  4. M

    Rats burrowing under coop

    i have caught several rats on camera coming into the chickens run and there are several holes around the chicken coop. I've tried live traps, bucket traps, snap traps but no luck. I obviously can't use poison because of the chickens so I'm not sure what to do. If I make a concrete trench around...
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