metal roof

  1. Grateful Dad

    My henhouse

    Hi, We have a friend who needed to re-home her hens, so we said yes. She gave us 18 hens a run and a coop, which was far too small. We spent under $300 building this house. We had some recycled 2x4 pine. I'm terrible at making posts but I wanted to show you can build a henhouse for a few hundred...
  2. V

    Metal roof question

    I have a metal roof on my coop. I'm trying to figure out how to keep my coop cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If I treat it with a reflective coating it won't absorb the suns heat in winter. My girls are panting at night, even with an exhaust fan going all day. Any suggestions would be...
  3. Coop Cod Estate: Our Charming and Eleggant Family Coop

    Coop Cod Estate: Our Charming and Eleggant Family Coop

    Not unlike pregnancy, building our chicken coop took about 9 months of hard work, worrying, waiting, and wondering. Along the way, we appreciated the journey for all its highs and lows, successes and disappointments, lessons and memories. There was blood, sweat, and tears...And with one final...
  4. Our Coop

    Our Coop

    I'd been asking my husband whether we could have chickens, on and off for years and he had had a laundry list of reasons for why we shouldn't or couldn't until one day in early September 2018 when he said YES! My husband and I enjoy hunting ... big game, small game, we even enjoy going fishing...
  5. Quacking ducks

    Building new duck house

    Hi I am in the middle of building a new duck house, what should I use for the roof for a cold winter climate? We were going to use sheet metal but now after doing some research I am not sure if that is a good idea. What would y’all do? We do have strong winds in the winter here. Thank you
  6. Quacking ducks

    building new duck house

    Hi I am it the middle of building a new duck house, what should I use for the roof for a cold winter climate? we were going to use sheet metal but now after doing some research we are not sure if that is a good idea. what would y'all do? We do have strong winds in the winter. Thank you
  7. MaggieRose2001

    Newbie getting ready for winter - Insulating? Closing down Windows?

    Hi. This is my first time owning chickens. We built a coop this summer. Now that it is getting into the 50's here in Maine, I am starting to become concerned for winter. I know there are a lot of posts concerning this - but I was hoping to get more specific help concerning my coop. After all my...
  8. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Metal Roof

    I’ve been reading A LOT of threads on here about metal roofs and if plywood is needed or insulation, etc. I live in Central Arkansas and it gets pretty dang hot and humid here. We have scrap corrugated metal that is about 6’ long and plan to use that as the roof of our coop. A majority of our...
  9. K

    Need help with tin roof...not sure how to do it

    need help trying to figure out how to install corrugated metal roof on my new coop. I live in TN, so the winters are cold, down in the teens. Is a metal roof good enough for warmth? I will have 2x4s running across the roof for support. I have an angled roof that is lower in the back. So my...
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